
Tanning Research Paper

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The leather industry is one of the most important worldwide given its strong reception in the world of fashion. Both men, and women are lovers of wear leather garments. The comfort and the design of the same it is one of the main reason. Therefore the industry has been since time ago one of the pioneers in new trends, with new colors, finishes, and techniques. However, the process behind all of this preparation is less glamourous than you think “The leather manufacturing industry consists of several different processes, with one of the most important activities being the tanning of the raw hides. Tanning involves the processing of raw leather in order to make it more resilient and strong for use in a variety of different products. Tanning is a widespread, global industry that works with both light and heavy types of leather” (35). …show more content…

But the only tanning is just one step in this large process, other factors such as the soaking are part of the treatment, and for this one it is absolutely necessary the use of abundant amount of water.
Water it is contaminated with chromium and arsenic, and here is where the biggest problem lies. The fact that companies who carry out these processes do not contain tanks where the water store and may reutilizer, generate that all these “Wastewater and solid waste from tanning operations often find their way into surface water, where toxins are carried downstream and contaminate water used for bathing, cooking, swimming, and irrigation” (37). Therefore the amount of people that are exposed to a high risk of contamination, and diseases it is considerably high.

Below is a table of the populations most affected from tannery

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