
Taoism Vs Buddhism Research Paper

Decent Essays

Buddhism and Taoism are very similar religions. They have many things in common. They both believe in rights for animals that are the same as humans and don’t have a “personal God”. There are a few differences, one of which is their symbols. Buddhism and Taoism are similar in their views of animals and views of a personal God, and unlike in their religious symbols.
First, both Buddhism and Taoism believe that animals should not be harmed. They believe this for different reasons, though. Taoists believe it is because animals are manifestations of the Tao- in fact, that all living creatures are manifestations of the Tao- and therefore on the same plane of existence. As Buddhism v. Taoism says, “Human beings distort their own innate nature, their …show more content…

According to Religions: Taoism, Taoists believe in the Tao, also called the Way. It is a way of life. According to Buddhism v. Taoism, it is a “dynamic existence that is composed of opposing forces”. Meanwhile, although Buddhists follow the teachings of Buddha, they do not regard Buddha as a god, and instead as a teacher. According to Buddhism v. Taoism, they believe that there is no omniscient creator: “The Buddha himself refuted the theistic argument that the universe was created by a self-conscious, personal God.” Additionally, another way that Buddhists and Taoists are similar is their symbols- Buddhists have many while Taoists only have …show more content…

Taoism’s main symbol is the Yin Yang. According to Reninger, It represents two parts of a whole, two sides, good and evil. Each needs the other to create balance. Buddhists, however, have many symbols. Some of those include the Conch. Religionfacts says that the conch used to be used to call religious meetings and is now used to hold holy water and to be played as a musical instrument. Next is the Lotus. According to Shiva, the Lotus flower has two meanings- fortune and purification. The latter’s explanation is that it “resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness”. It also has different meanings based on the color. White is purity of the mind and spirit, red is compassion and love, blue is common sense, pink is religious history, purple is spirituality, and finally, gold represents achievement of all enlightenment. Last in the few symbols that have been picked is the Dharmachakra. According to O’Brien, it is one of the oldest buddhist symbols and is “used to represent Buddhism the same way that a cross represents Christianity.” It is also called a Dharma wheel. It has three parts- the hub, rim, and spokes. The hub represents moral discipline or joy. The rim represents concentration. The spokes are more complicated, however. The most common type of Dharma wheel has eight spokes, symbolising the Eightfold Path. There are

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