
Tarahumara Essay

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When the Jesuits first arrived they wanted to create compact communities of Tarahumara which would be centered around mission churches. They believed this was the best way to “civilize” them. However, this plan failed as a result of three main reasons. The first was that this sedentary lifestyle completely contradicted Tarahumara customs and life. They were accustomed to living mobile lives following food and game throughout the high mountains of northern Mexico. The second reason was that the Jesuits used “oppressive and authoritarian” approaches to force the Tarahumara into missions. This went against their ideals and societal structure as a whole. Lastly, being sent to a mission meant that there was a possibility one would be sent into forced …show more content…

Many refused to send their children to school. This was because many teachers were not qualified or cared enough to teach, even though the original order called for qualified teachers. Another inspector in the region also observed that a reason why the Tarahumara did not fully participate was because many families lived at least ten kilometers away from the central community places and once food became scarce they would stop going into the town. Children who were sent to rural schools escaped many times that the government had to bar up windows so that they wouldn’t leave. Nepotistic appointments also played a role in the dysfunction of the schools. While all of this was taking place, the Tarahumara were enduring starvation, alcoholism from a drink they made from corn called tesguino, and poverty. They also were frequently referred to as “savages” and “backward.” It wasn’t until the 1930’s when a change of SEP leadership recognized the real problems facing the Tarahumara. The new decade brought a new form of leadership, which was shared between Mexican officials and Tarahumara leaders. This new leadership fought against the poverty they faced and the economic exploitation (Marak,

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