This book will have you emotionally attached I have never read a book like this until we did a book pass around the room and I came across How it went down. It had me close to tears every few pages, maybe I’m just emotional but I love when books can make me feel something.
Kelka Magoon wrote in such a way that I could feel every character's emotion throughout the book. When writing from different perspectives of the people involved made me feel like I knew the characters by reading it. I slowly felt myself experiencing the feelings they felt as well. In this fiction novel a teen, Tarique Johnson, from Underhill grew up getting in the wrong crowd. It showed emotions from gang violence from all of his peers to his family. Little did Tarique
At the beginning, the book made me sad because of the time of when this took place. It was very hard times for the people
I put this book on my long list of books to read but didn’t expect to get to it for a while. When the opportunity came up to read the book and have it count for a class, I made my decision right away.
Would you accept a hard, tedious job working for a wealthy man, who wanted his order to be perfect? In the book Johnny Tremain, Johnny had to make this very decision. Johnny should not have agreed to make the silver basin for John Hancock for three convincing explanations: The order needed to be perfect, It was a very tough job, and Johnny might not finish it in time.
When i read this book I respond with laughter and joy because of how funny this book is. It can be sad at times but then you get excited over the funny/stupid things they
It was really a joy reading it and experiencing the tolls of the tragedies on the narrator as I read. However, it was a very sad and moving story that would have you crying at parts and laughing out loud at others. I would suggest this book to anyone, as long as they enjoy books that might make them a bit emotional. Overall, I thought this was one of the best books I have ever read, just the story line was truly fantastic.
The emotions I felt for this woman was overwhelming at some parts of the book. The hardest parts to read, were involving the author’s daughter. I started the book, when we watched the video about her book about her daughter’s death in class. I felt for that woman, to have loss a husband and a child within a very close time span is saddening. I was surprised she did not go crazy after her daughter died. When she writes about her memories of her husband and daughter, there is an obvious joy that exudes the pages. Knowing how much she loved and cared for her daughter was sad. She cared for her aligning daughter when she was at her sickest, her top priority was her health and wellbeing. She even postponed his funeral until she was strong enough to say goodbye. It was heartbreaking.
When I think of reading a good book, my mind always turns to the time when I read Because of Winn Dixie. One day my mom told us we had to clean the house. I was the one who was cleaning and organizing the bookshelf. I was looking through all the books we had when I saw it. I saw Because of Winn Dixie. I looked through, it was a short book. It only had 182 pages. Then I saw that it was given as a gift to my oldest sister when she was in fourth grade. Since I was in fourth grade, I found it ironic that I found the book ten years after it was given to her. I begun to read the book, and started to like it more and more. Even though the characters life and my life were totally different, I felt that somehow I could relate. I enjoyed reading
The book lay there I think about how many were there in the book.This book holds a good place in my heart. This book tells wonderful acts some teens did during the war. My friends that died, they still watch me. I think this is a good book to read I
If there’s anything in the world that needs to be heard; it’s people’s voices. Each voice is different, all of them with unique characteristics and emotions. In The Kite Runner, book, movie, along with the article, it shares an identical voice. It depicts strength, real-world problems, and racism. Amir – the main character from both the movie and book – wasn’t spared from seeing the true identity of the outside world. His and his best friend’s – Hassan’s – lives twisted and churned after Hassan got raped by a group of bullies who desperately wanted a prized kite while Amir witnessed and kept shut. Because of this, both brother-like friends drifted apart and eventually Hassan moved away with his father making Amir heart-broken as shown in the book and movie. The article confronts a similar situation except the fact that the voices of strong females need to be heard, not the dominance of males like the bullies who raped Hassan.
All I wanted to do was hope in the book and hug Stevie. I just felt for her so much. I wanted to cry so much times while reading Paperweight because Stevie emotions were so wonderfully conveyed.
In conclusion, the writer in article 1 wants to express that ‘love’ can be used to overcome the addiction and self-love is even important. This is because the people who love themselves do not take drug and smoke. Besides, in article 2, the writer, wants to convey that it is our choice to make a change as the addiction can actually be overcome without any aid and treatment.
While reading this, I had a specific line of a specific popular song stuck in my head that completely described my feelings toward this book. You might have heard of it. Sugar by Maroon 5? It goes like this: "*My broken pieces, You pick them up. Don't leave me hanging, hanging." My feelings were all over the place. I simultaneously cursed and blessed Leslye Walton for breaking my heart, mending it, and breaking it all over again.
When you meet a new person, do you ever make those comments in your head about what you think that person is like? I know that I do! As a matter of fact I had some thoughts about Mr. Johnson. I thought to myself, man I will absolutely love this class. I made quite a few observations of him. Throughout the first few classes I had with him I had more and more observations. Some conclusions that I came to were that he likes to have fun but at the same time he likes to get things done, he enjoys his job, and likes to make us feel comfortable and feel like there is no reason to stress out.
Since the dawn of Freud, psychological theory has fascinated readers and writers alike. Analyzing literature through a psychological lens can bring a whole new level of richness to virtually any story by adding to the complexity of individual characters and their relationships. The psychological theory catalyzes a more intuitive way to find motivations for characters’ actions. In his novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini makes his protagonist, Amir, seem relatable by offering an inside look at the internal struggles Amir faces as he matures amidst the all too real tragedies occurring in Afghanistan after the coup of the monarchy. Amir battles with feelings of inadequacy due to his father’s low regard for him and consequently treats his
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