
Task Versus People Orientation Paper

Decent Essays

1. What was the Chapter # and name of the Assessment?
The chapter number is fifteen, and the name of the assessment is Task versus People Orientation.
2. What was the purpose of the Assessment?
The purpose of the assessment is to identify whether I might be high or low on people orientation, as well as task orientation.
3. What was your score/result on the Assessment and What does it mean?
My results on the assessment were a twelve in people orientation, and a nine in task orientation. This classifies me as high in people orientation and low in task orientation. The combined results classify me as a Supporting Style of manager.
4. What did you learn about yourself from the Assessment? (What were your major strengths and weaknesses? How …show more content…

Question Five asked about working hard to maintain a friendly atmosphere on the team; I do think this is best for all involved. When the job is more enjoyable, and there is an atmosphere that enables the team to work together, more gets done and it doesn’t seem like work; you are enjoying being with the people you work with. Daft mentions consideration, and having this respect for each other helps to build trust. I will not step out and risk much, without that type of trust being there; when the trust is there, you feel like you can fail and learn from it. Question Six asked about clearly telling people what I expect from them. This question makes me think about my motivation, when giving instructions to others. Sometimes I can be clear, exact, and state what needs to be done; at other times, I have a problem with being too direct, because I want to do this in a friendly manner. You mentioned reciprocal influence in the podcast, I don’t claim to have this developed in a way that can result in improved behavior and change in employees; but I do expect others to treat me well if I treat them well. I don’t mean that this is guaranteed, but I know that if I don’t …show more content…

The Mentzberg comment that leadership is management well practiced is challenging, but also gives me hope. I don’t have the experience of practicing management, and I do believe that leadership skills can be developed. I am not unwilling when it comes to motivation, I just am uncertain; which the Supporting Style mentions. Daft mentioned delegation, and a common mistake of managers loading subordinates with more responsibility, but not the

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