
Tattoo Discrimination Research Paper

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CEO’s Haters of Artistic Expression: The Discrimination Against
Tattoos in the Professional Work Field
Christina Horan
English 111-F36

Companies that do not employ job candidates based off their tattoos and piercings instead of experience are committing discrimination legally by hiding behind the Dress Code Policy. This may not affect some, but it is a serious issue that is still happening all over the United States. True, some tattoos aren't visible but what about the people who have them in visual places? Just because skin is a different color doesn't mean people should not get the same job opportunities. It is not as severe as racism but it is still a form of color discrimination. I relate to this problem because I live with this fear daily.
CEO’s Haters of or Artistic Expression: The Discrimination Against
Tattoos in the Professional Work Field
Having your skin adorned with tattoos seems to be the new …show more content…

“In 2011, 31% of employers nationwide told job website Career Builder that having a visible tattoo would hinder a candidate's likelihood of being promoted.”(2014) This is still clear evidence that the public says it is okay to have tattoos but still sees it as distasteful. It’s almost like interracial marriage, it is fine if other people do it unless it affects me and then it’s a problem. We say it is not right to judge someone who is Mexican, Asian or Black, but then it becomes acceptable if a person has colorful ink on their skin. Yet, the companies of this day and age do have a point to a certain extent when it comes to how far of a line people should

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