
Tattoo Discrimination Research Paper

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According to the article “Generation Y: Tattoos, Piercings, and Other Issues for the Private and Public Employer.”, many employers prohibit the display of jewelry and tattoos without even taking in consideration gender or religion. Also, in the article “Appearance-based discrimination”, forty-two percent of people have either a tattoo or a body piercing. Yet, thirty-nine percent of employers have said that they should be allowed to deny employment to people based on how they look. Which proves the statement "Regardless of who the real person may be, stereotypes associated with piercings and tattoos can and do affect others. In general, individuals with tattoos and body piercings are often viewed as 'rougher' or 'less educated.(Alan Price/HMR …show more content…

Not hiring someone due to the fact they have tattoos is the same as denying someone with a darker skin color a job based on their skin. The difference between the two is that skin color is genetic while tattoos are a choice. Yet, they are both forms of discrimination which should not happen. Even though this should not happen tattoo and piercing discrimination is only not allowed in the government, everywhere else they can be prejudice against showing these parts of their appearance. People who are biased in this type of way are just playing into stereotypes that categorize people instead of looking more at their …show more content…

Let’s say both of these candidates got an interview for the job they applied for. When the first person comes for the interview the employer learns they have tattoos that are visible while the person the second resume belonged to had no body modification. With one look the employer does not want to hire the person with the perfect resume so they settle for the second person who ends up doing a horrible job in the area where he works. With picking the person who had more of an acceptable visible appearance the employer lost someone who could have made the company superior to the competition. By discriminating they did not give the person a chance and gave into stereotypes. In some cases, this could go to court, such as if a person had tattoos or piercings for their

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