
Tattoo Ink Business Plan

Satisfactory Essays

Financial Plan
Start-up Funding – The start-up funding for TempShadow Ink will consist of the Research & Development (R&D) that will be needed to develop the temporary tattoo ink. We would like to have the ink developed within 18 months of our starting date, January 2015. Once the tattoo ink is developed we would like to begin a two year testing phase with volunteer test subjects to make sure the tattoo ink will do what we promise it to do. We estimate our start-up funding will need to last about 3 ½ years. At that time our goal is to have an ink distributed to tattoo parlors around the United States. We estimate we will need approximately $_________ to make this happen.
Use of funds – we plan to use the funds for Research & Development via the following ways:
Hire Scientists at $_______ per for the 18 month period. The people we hire will have access to their own research facilities and will have the knowledge of what they need to do to get us a temporary tattoo ink with 18 months. This will reduce any capital expenditures we will need to have because the people we hire will have access to their own laboratories and the equipment they will need. It may make this cost more expensive – but it will allow us to free up our cash resources for …show more content…

We estimate we will begin distributing our product in about 3 ½-4 years. At that time we estimate our sales to grow steadily and that we can make a profit starting in year _____. Within the next ten years we would like to develop a longer lasting 5-year ink, and possibly 10-year ink. We estimate that we will be able to sell our product online and to tattoo parlors around the globe. We estimate we will capture a market share of ______%. Within 10 years, the company plans to have expanded through the United States, making _______ annually. In total, within 10 years the company hopes to make annual sales of

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