
Tax Churches Research Paper

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Taxing Churches
Tax exemption acts a principle that mandates organizations to be excluded from contributing taxable pay, this principle has been effective all throughout the existence of churches. Churches are identified as non profit as well as charitable organizations. With the following two labels a fixed as a part of their identify they would be granted with the opportunity to be exonerate from paying particular taxes. With their opportunity to be excluded from contributing taxable money to the government they were said to contribute a common good and donations back to the community. Although it is argued that churches do not deserve to be granted with this opportunity of partial exempt. For the majority churches are not required to pay …show more content…

With these positive attributes that the churches brought the community they over turned the regulation of taxing on them on selected taxes. When creating the standard they took into the act that when taxing personals the money goes to the government and city then is reflected in the community, it wouldn't be much different if the money was donated back into the community and spread with the positive attitude portrayed by the churches. This is partly behind the reasoning as to why charitable organizations are free of taxing. The way that churches view this particular aspect is that they believe that the church can donate and contribute good to the community in a manner that mirrors the amount of money that they would be contributing to the community if they were indeed taxed. Although the issue lies with the fact that not all churches meet that stifling goal, they fall short each time exponentially acquiring a large amount of money not being contributed to the community. The issue can be put to an actuality in the article 'Non-taxing times' written by Gil Smart presents the reality of falling short of charitable money in his article. He quotes the words of President of Drexel University, John Fry on the issue, "In return the privilege [of being tax exempt] we should be …show more content…

Its unfair to other non-exempt organizations that follow the rules that proceed with their title, to be cheated by another who twists the limitations placed on them. Larry Wood the Durham town administrator touches on the unfairness portrayed. In the newspaper piece written by Laura A. KIernan titled "Battle over core service tax heats up: [City Edition] Wood demonstrates why this can be viewed as a struggle. "Wood said UNH has a number of tax-exempt properties, including a bookstore run by Barnes and Noble, and the New England Center, which is a hotel and restaurant, which he says should not have be tax-exempt. He also said that children of married students who live in tax-exempt university housing are costing the town schools system $7,400 apiece each year."We feel that's not fair." Wood's words highlight on the fact that its not only unfair due to stretching the regulations, in addition they are costing us money in the process. In cohesion with the previous disadvantage to the community another unbeneficial effect caused by churches is due to the growth in numbers of organizations and lack of tax individual tax payer are forced to pick up the slack of these

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