
Taxation Essay

Decent Essays

In America, the powerful and wealthy are able to abuse the taxation system to their benefit, and this paper will demonstrate how this is done and the solutions to those problems, as well as refute the opposition. America has had it’s moments of glory and triumph yet also it’s moments of failure and loss. However, it seems nearly impossible to predict an economic recession or a war, so one can never know when tough times are approaching. Currently, America is in the second longest period of stock market growth, ever. The natural conclusion, then, is that the economy here is healthy and strong, and that this growth will continue. Unfortunately, however, America’s stock market is in for a correction sooner or later, because the wealth and …show more content…

While the maximum tax rate on normal income is 39.6%, the maximum tax rate on capital gains, which is how many investors become rich, is 20%(“How are capital gains taxed?”). In fact, investor and billionaire Warren Buffett said that in his taxes, he “Pays a lower rate than his secretary”(HOAR). Does it honestly make sense that a man with 77 billion dollars pays less in taxes than his secretary? It is evident that capital gains taxed at such a low rate encourage this. The third loophole, and the product of politicians and wealthy citizens of the state of Kansas, is a 0% tax rate on Limited Liability Companies, or LLCs. The idea for the tax break was to give the state’s economy a “Shot of Adrenaline”, and it allowed thousands of corporations to pay little in taxes. This means that those companies could employ more people, and spend more money on research and development. So how could this be negative? In short, it allowed individuals to form Limited Liability Companies with only a single employee: themselves. This means that very wealthy people can organize into an LLC, and pay nothing in income taxes, cheating the system. However, it is impractical for the poor to do the same, as they don’t have nearly as much to gain from this. According to Kansas Attorney James P. Zakoura, This costs the state of Kansas “at least $260 million in needed revenue year after year”(MONTGOMERY). The tax system in America is unfair to

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