I survived! If someone would have told me, my first week was going to be both mentally and physically taxing I would have laughed at them. It was no joke. Twice this week I was in bed before 6 pm and I did not get out before 5:25 am the next morning! I do know this, it is only going to get more stressful as I go forward, but I know I have all the resources I need to be successful and that is comforting to know.
Taking a look at my students, I have learned 90 percent of their names. I thought it was going to take me longer, but when you have to continually correct behavior and get students back on task their names come naturally. This is my first time working in a Title 1 school, thus the demographic is different and I can see how it correlates
- I call on all students by name where possible – I make an effort to learn names
w they are treated in the novel. The characters in the novel navigate the consequences of their actions in diverse ways. Like for example, Ayoola, the enigmatic serial killer embodies denial and its manipulation as she invades accountability for her actions. Her nonchalant attitude towards the lives she has taken reflects a dark contrast to societal expectations of remorse and responsibility. On the other hand, Korede, Ayoola's sister grapples with the moral implications of her sister's actions.
“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of two forces working together” - James Cash Penney. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Scout demonstrates personal growth through the decreasing use of the N-word and refrained use of violent actions. Scout’s increased maturity often extends far past the community of Maycomb and those around her.
In When We Fight, We Win by Greg Jobin-Leeds it says that “comparison can block compassion both for others and for ourselves.” I agree with such statement; I think that listening is a skill you learn throughout time. One can pretend to listen without really getting anything out of the conversation that one is having with that other person. In the Compassionate Listening workshop, I got to do it with Rachel Kurland and I sit and listened to her talking about the moment her friend treason her. I tried to understand her plight, why would she not cut that friendship off, I understood she loved her friend, however, I could not resist bringing my biases to our conversation. I asked myself, why is Rachel, such a good, loving, and smart person,
Reflection is a major factor in "developing self-awareness" to improve services provided to everyone around me, this is to develop my own understanding in realising the good and bad made previously. Moving forward with a better understanding, as well as rectifying the mistake whilst recognizing the good points, (Horton-Deutsch and Sherwood, 2008).
As a poor Asian who ventured out of a dominantly white, small town, I understand the consequences of being a minority. This is how my passion to serve the underserved originated, and why I have partnered with service organizations such as Berea Buddies and AmeriCorps. Being a member of these empathetic communities has deepened my gratitude for how beautifully diverse our world is and for all people regardless of the challenges they face. For example, upon entering my service year to mentor children in D.C. public schools, I was told by almost everyone that there is no helping those children because of the family and monetary problems they encounter. Their responses reminded me of the comments I heard when I decided my life after high-school.
The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the contribution of reflective practice for clinical nursing. Reflection has been defined as a way for individuals to “capture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate” (Boud et al 1985: 19)
Your summary was easy to follow and provided the overview I needed to understand the subject and main events. The positive economic incentive used to stimulate improvement failed, as it did not compensate for the gap left when America removed God from education. While most teachers would probably follow the guidelines of their administration and would understand the rational provided, the need to be compensated must have been stronger. I would recommend the school system consider an external review process and instituting feedback directly from the teachers and parents together to an impartial board.
After taking the SmarterMeasure assessment and reviewing the results, I was quite amazed to see the substantial amount of my strengths dominating my weaknesses. Firstly, I am going to state my results of the significant components of this assessment including Personal Attributes, Learning Styles, Reading Comprehension, Technical Competency, Technical Knowledge and Typing Speed with Accuracy. Initially, you will get a picture of my strengths and weaknesses. Later on, I am going to devise an action plan specifically on how to tackle my weaknesses in a way it can be terminated.
The two bills I chose were bill 2 and bill 5. These bills were a resolution to create a demilitarized zone the South China Sea (bill 2) and a bill to create an Indian free trade agreement (bill 5). The speeches I wrote were both positive and bill 2 was won by the Republicans, which is the group I was with. I also believe bill 5 would have been won too, but that bill was never called upon.
My first couple of weeks were difficult for me in the sense that I had to lay in bed all week due to my skin condition. I also had countless hospital visits and by the time I returned to school, I had to catch up on
Throughout time many mentally disabled and people who have been wrongfully accused of a crime have faced the death penalty, which is cruel and unconstitutional punishment; countless court cases such as Furman vs. Georgia and the O.J. Simpson murder trial have led to change within states to the outlawing of the death penalty.
This semester I learned a lot about writing in English 151. It has been a roller coaster ride with these essays for me this semester. I learned step by step how to write a good essay and how to have your readers be engaged in what you’re trying to tell them. Each essay I did has taught me something valuable I can take to the next level of English. I feel as if as the semester went by I did not take my writing that seriously and that reflected in my grades I received in each essay. It made me a better student and writer and it will reflect next semester. In this essay, I will reflect on what I learned throughout this semester that you should apply in your writing when you begin English 151.
As I shared in the previous week that the CSU application had opened and the Transfer Center was quite busy. This week there was not much of a difference students kept coming in to utilize our lab to complete their CSU application. To be honest, I am enjoying the “application season” so far, I really like taking on the challenge of facilitating the transfer transition of students because I strongly believe that as a transfer staff we have a reasonability of ensuring that students have the support and guidance to transfer successfully. Having attended ELAC myself and also been fortunate enough to work there, I understand and know our student population. Therefore, I know who they are and where they are coming from and being an agent of change I want to empower students to also become agents of change.
In researching this “ naming practice” I have found that many students that are foreign as well as those having culturally rich names have psychological barriers and their social lives. According to the article, Exploring Names and Identity Through Multicultural Literature in K-8 Classrooms,