“Did you think we’d be fine? Still got scars on back from your knife. So don’t think its in the past, these kind of wounds, they last and they last.” – Taylor Swift (Bad Blood, 2015). Forgiveness is something that challenges people because their loved ones has hurt for their sake through lying. The ability of forgiving is a central tent of every major religion in the world- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu and Buddhist.
In the introduction paragraph I mentioned a song lyric regarding forgiving and the truth about lying. Taylor Swift’s song Bad Blood is a great example because it explains a situation in her life where her “best friend” had back stabbed her in the back, and that the scar is still there to this day. In my opinion this song lyric best explains
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Because I couldn’t look at you as a friend; you will constantly remind me the person who hurt me. For this reason I wouldn’t be able to look at a person the same. To forgive and forget. Is a quote that’s famous used around the world and taught to us at a young age. From personal experience it is to forget about what happened when the person who caused the issue isn’t around me. On the other hand, it will be sitting in the back of my mind. Forgiving is in issue that I personally have, not use as much as others do. In my opinion how can I act like nothing ever happened when someone had broken me done without ever considering our position, struggle and feelings at the time. Forgiving and forgetting is something I’ve been struggle for a long time. This is only happens to me is because I am reluctant to forgive someone cause it feels like I'm validating other peoples wrongdoing. Asking myself why forgive? And the conclusion I've come to this is Forgiveness isn't just about validating other peoples wrongdoing but giving yourself permission to let go of the past; to move on to a better future or a better view on everything in
You have to question whether you are forgiving the person because they are sorry and you are capable of moving forward or you are forgiving them because you are still left with some feeling of attachment and that’s what is holding you back. For example, in the memoir, Jennette continued to forgive her parents particularly because they were her parents and her blood. That got her nowhere. She was left in an endless circle of forgiving yet receiving the same mannerism back. However, once Jeannette decided enough was enough, she moved to New York City, away from her parents, began accomplishing her goals and overall Jeannette became so much more liberated. This example goes to show my point exactly. Forgiving and forgetting will leave you with too many toxic people in your life. You must know when to set an endpoint and cut people out of your life because it will benefit
Forgive today, live in peace tomorrow. Forgiveness; one of the many hardships we encounter throughout life. As Marianne Williamson, an American author, stated, “Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.” Forgiveness leads to peace because it lets go of all the negative feelings and allows freedom from disturbance to take place.
Hesburgh explains, “My whole instinct is to forgive. Perhaps that is because I am a Catholic priest. In a sense, I am in the forgiving business… I think of God as the great forgiver of sinful humanity” (169). Prager further explains these religious divides, “It is only meant to explain why to Jews it is so patently obvious that it is morally wrong to forgive a man who has burned families alive, and to Christians it is equally obvious that one ought to” (230). Buddhism also argues for forgiveness as well. Ricard states, “For a Buddhist, forgiveness is always possible and one should always forgive” (235). Lastly, there is an argument that without forgiveness it is difficult to move on to the future. Tutu succinctly states, “Without forgiveness, there is no future.”
Also, understanding is the key to forgive someone regrets his immoral acts against you. The story of Albert Speer reveals the sorrow and compassion of one of the culprit find himself face to face with a victim. Mr. Albert was supporting the Nazis against Jews during the Holocaust. He acknowledged his responsibility and guilt for the mass crime. With the guilty verdict, he imprisoned for twenty years for his legal inhuman acts. When Simon Wiesenthal met him, Albert considered his eyes to find compassion and humanity inside (The Sunflower 246). Thus, I believe that when victim lets down the revenge, he also removes most of the barriers for a substantial correction. In the meantime, if you forgive, you can stop the stupidity of haters and prove that you are much stronger. Besides the world has a lot of evidence proclaiming that the desire for revenge disappears even after a long time of reciprocal violence, but only the people who forgive are the last standing. Overall, to forgive is to build bridges between victims and culprits for a healthy
Forgiveness is very important throughout life. If people don't forgive, they are going to be stuck in the past always remembering about the mistake that person did. Forgiving someone can make yourself feel better because you know you forgave that person and there's no negativity between you and that person.
Forgiveness is a voluntary process and only time can heal all wounds. Scratch that- time won’t heal all wounds and forgiving someone is totally and completely up to you. When stating that forgiveness is “voluntary,” it simply means that one is forgiving someone at their own free will. The question is “why? why must we forgive someone after doing something so awful?” The answer might be complex. In the book “Picking Cotton” by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino, Ronald Cotton and Erin Torneo, and in the book “Beauty for Ashes” written by Joyce Meyer, forgiveness is portrayed as a big role. Each person goes through their own struggles and eventually has to forgive someone or be forgiven by someone.
Life has ups and downs, it may stab you in the back, but it’s a choice to forgive and forget about it. Forgiveness is something that helps people move on. For every person, the word forgiveness has a different meaning, for me it means leaving behind actions from my past. Personally, I like to think that forgiveness is a way to start over whether in a friendship or in life. If the opportunity presented itself to me to explain the word, forgiveness, to someone I would simply reply that it is the idea of setting yourself free from all the hate one has been holding.
Forgiveness is the excuse of an offense.But it never denies the offense, the hurt and damage still exists for years.When integrity is not justified, justice restores individuals and the society to show virtuousness.Justice is all about restoration, not revenge.Revenge is a retreat.But the society does it different from what most people do in personal relationships.Through the journey of individuals life, forgiveness is a special thing.It can be a choice or an emotional spirit.Some people tend to hold bitterness and injustice for years, while others can sweep away the situation.Some people might argue that forgiving with justice makes everything so much easier however, it is obvious that sometimes justice does not help with anything.Often there
The shift in thinking forgiveness enables you to have is vital in saving relationships. When someone hurts you bad enough it’s almost like there is a craving to do something ill willed towards that person. You want revenge on that
To begin with, forgiving people who wronged you comes in handy since it helps you live a longer and healthier life. According to the informational text “Understanding Forgiveness” written by PBS, it states that people who forgive have “ [f]ewer stress-related health issues” and their
Forgiveness: the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. To forgive means to stop being angry, stop blaming, or feeling resentful towards someone for either an offense, flaw or mistake. There is a difference between forgiving someone
This in turn leads to the idea in which forgiveness is a cancellation of a debt and the offended party no longer expects repayment for the pain caused (Pettigrove, 2012). Additionally, forgiveness is the release of bitterness or anger as an effect of an apparent offense while ceasing to demand punishment (Pettigrove, 2012). Furthermore, it begins by accepting what has happened and choosing to let go by making a decision to forgive and love the offender by canceling the debt (Pettigrove, 2012). Likewise, it releases judgement as well as thoughts of revenge or ill-will to the one who caused harm while resuming some form of a relationship with those who caused the hardship (Pettigrove, 2012). What is more, it is taking the responsibility for one’s own feelings while taking back control of one’s life instead of allowing those feelings complete control (Pettigrove, 2012). Finally, it allows God the room to move and work within our lives as He begins to heal the brokenness.
Forgiveness by the World English Dictionary is the “act of forgiving; state of being forgiven, disposition or willingness to forgive”. But what does it really mean? That is my question. Is being able to forgive and not forget the same thing? In my life, I have found that true forgiveness is a quality that separates us from other species and it is what makes us human. In order to truly and sincerely forgive, one must, aside from saying they have forgiven the person, let it go and not hold a grudge against that person. Just, as Mahatma Gandhi once said: “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." I believe that holds to be true.
Experts that teach or study forgiveness have made it clear that when you forgive someone, one does not fret over or deny the seriousness of an offense against you or your person. Choosing to forgive takes a weight off your back and lets you move on with your life. Choosing not to forgive can leave you stuck and is very unhealthy. Though you should forgive, you should never forget. Though forgiveness can be a factor in fixing a damaged relationship, it does not obligate you to make up with the person or people who had harmed you. Some of the things that can get in the way of forgiveness are pride, pain, and anger. If you have been severely hurt by someone it makes it extremely hard to forgive them. When your encompassed by anger it is also hard to forgive with all the anger directed at the person. The most important thing is to learn how to forgive yourself. If you can not forgive yourself you can not ever move on. People make mistake and people do things they shouldn't have done, but that is life. If you make a mistake and can not forgive yourself you will be unable to move on in
Forgiveness have important medicinal effect on health. Researchers and study have shown that people who forgive have less chances of health issues like heart attack and brain tumor. “People who hold tolerance views of human nature and don’t seem to nurse grieveness unduly tend to have blood pressures in the normal range” (Callwood, J. 2007, p. 153). Writer in the above findings tells her readers the medicinal effect of tolerance. She beautifully explains the positive effect of forgiveness in contrast with unforgiveness where her contrasting finding says “Unforgiving people, some studies show, are three times more likely to have heart diseases as people who don’t carry grudges”(Callwood, J. 2007, p.153). Writer here is addressed to people who cannot or do not forgive and tells them how harmful holding grudges are to their health. She beautifully explains the finding by telling first the negative effect of not forgiving in comparison to