
Taylor Swift Quotes

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8 The Girls Who Snubbed Taylor Swift Later Became Her Fans
Taylor Swift didn’t have an easy time in junior high and the reason that she was singled out was because she like country music which her peers thought was weird. “Junior high was actually sort of hard because I got dumped by this group of popular girls,” she said. “They didn’t think I was cool or pretty enough, so they stopped talking to me.”
But in the ninth grade Swift landed a record deal and a year later she was asked to perform at the school where she had endured the bullying. And the girls who had snubbed her were there. “They showed up, wearing my T-shirts and asking me to sign their CDs,” she explained. “It was bittersweet, because it made me realize that they didn’t remember …show more content…

Her classmates constantly teased her about her family and called her dad “ a one hit wonder” and told her that she would never amount to anything – just like him.
"The girls took it beyond normal bullying. These were big, tough girls," she said. "I was scrawny and short. They were fully capable of doing me bodily harm."
They locked her in the bathroom, cursed at her and challenged her to fight them and it wasn’t until the principal finally intervened that Miley found the courage to stand up to her tormentors.
“What could they do to me? I was surrounded by people. I stood up, still a foot shorter than they were, and said, 'What's your problem? What did I ever do to you?' "

6 Drake Was Picked On For Being Black and Jewish
Today no-one would dare pick on famous rapper Drake, especially about his religion or race but it wasn’t always like that. He says that growing up black and Jewish was very difficult for …show more content…

“The same kids that made fun of me are super proud [of me] now,” he says. “And they act as if nothing happened.”

5 Tom Cruise Was Always The New Kid (And a Prime Target For Bullies)
Well known for his roles in films like Top Gun and the Mission Impossible series he’s one of Hollywood’s top grossing actors and if his name is on a movie poster you can be sure people will go see it. But there was a time in his life when he even Tom felt alienated from the world.
As a child his father moved the family around constantly as he tried to find work and his meant that Tom was changing schools all the time. “I was always the new kid with the wrong shoes, the wrong accent. I didn’t have the friend to share things with and confide in.”
He had to deal with new bullies all the time as well and although he hated it, he says it taught him to stand up for himself. “Your heart’s pounding, you sweat, and you feel like you’re going to vomit. I’m not the biggest guy, I never liked hitting someone, but I know if I don’t hit that guy hard he’s going to pick on me all year. I go, ‘You better fight.’ I just laid it down. I don’t like

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