
Tchaikovsky Concert Review

Decent Essays

On November 4, 2016 at 8pm, my friend Audrey and I went to the Nashville Symphony to watch Mozart and Tchaikovsky concert. Audrey and I sat together in row C, Seats 21 and 22. This section was close to front but still couple rows back in the middle section. The symphony was pretty crowded on the main floor, and the balconies were semi full. When looking at the stage all of the artists were in rows facing the crowd. They were in order based on their instruments which I saw violins, violas, cellos, basses, flutes, horns and many more instruments. It was really neat how everything was set up. The piano was not there when the first song played, after the first song played the piano was lifted out of the stage’s floor and placed onto the middle …show more content…

I liked watching everyone play their instruments and how amazing it sounded. Hearing the music in class was not the same as hearing it in the symphony. The song came to a solo part then faded into a quite yet unresolved close. Everyone stood up to applause, then they announced the next song to be played which was called “Manfred Symphony in B minor, Op.58” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This section of the symphony lasted about 25 minutes. As it started I could hear the bassoons and bass clarinet playing. Tchaikovsky features are elaborate, virtuoso orchestration with sound effects. For example, horns play with “pavillon en l’air,” with bells raised upward for a more climactic passage.
While the song continued to play I could also hear flutes, doubling piccolo, oboes, English horn,clarinets,horns,trumpets,cornets,trombones,tuba,timpani,percussion,harps, harmonium, and strings. The song had a fragile fleeting sound which becomes more impassioned, yet dramatic stroke that quietly fades. Tchaikovsky music has a conventional sonata structure and plunges into a truncated recapitulation following the enormous exposition. His music rises to a frightening climax and then fragments into the movements to a shattering sound. The ending started to fade away in a B minor, it was a gentle peaceful

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