Once being presented with this opportunity to write this paper I found it as a wonderful opportunity to express my opinion on two different musical greats. The one that I decided to choose for the old would have to be Tchaikovsky, and for the new by far my favorite choice would be the beetles. The selection of these two specific artist was almost a no brainer for me, they embody the perfect blend of inspirational music that delivers a specific, yet powerful message, both artist belong to different genres one from a classical genre and one from a more modern form of music.Also, both these artists viewed music regardless of the genre as a form of communicating a message to the masses, in the beetles era war was occurring in the world and in terms of Tchaikovsky he was one of the best ballet composers of his …show more content…
The modern group the beetles did get influenced in a way by baroque music of the classic composers, in todays era it is known a baroque rock music, which in many ways is used in both pop and rock music in todays modern music. Lastly, todays music has most probably become shorter because in a way we have become addicted to skipping music and not remaining focused on one specific song for way to long, in other words we easily get bored of a certain song and we no longer feel the need to listen to it any longer, if todays music was as long as classical music I believe that it would not be very popular with any generation, and thus causing music to no be very relevant in todays society. In conclusion, it was a wonderful experience being able to bring to light two different musical greats, who many believe have no relevancy with each other, but through my eyes relevancy can be found in many different places even in those that seem
Many people compare the musical works of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart because of the styles of music that they produced. They were also similar because of their age and the music period in which they created in. Throughout their lives these two composers had vastly different customs and behaviors. Each composer contributed to their own unique styles of music, however they continue to be a musical inspiration in today’s world. Many people of the early classical music period reacted differently to both of the musician’s works because of the unique way they chose to create and present their music. These musician’s created a lasting effect on the musical world that we see today.
From this semesters listing list my favorite piece that we learned about was definitely Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s “Dance of the Reed Pipes” form The Nutcracker suite. This was my favorite for two main reasons: it is a piece from the famous ballet The Nutcracker and it has simple, interesting, and recognizable melody. I have always loved going to the ballet, especially when I was a little girl, and The Nutcracker is a classic ballet that I have seen multiple times before. This piece of music from the ballet is the song that I have always been able to recognize and connect with this certain ballet. The “Dance of the Reed Pipes” is organized in three-part (trinary) form. The main form or statement of this piece is the three flutes playing a staccato melody that is repeated multiple times.
This paper will cover Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s life, starting with his childhood and education, and how he grew up with music and how he pursued his interests. It will also cover how Tchaikovsky started his career as a composer and the musical aspects of his adult life. His personal life and how it shaped the way we see his music will also be included. The purpose of this written assignment is to discuss Tchaikovsky’s life and why his music is so influential and revolutionary. His compositions that were notable for its intense emotions and melodic inspiration is the reason Tchaikovsky is regarded as a master composer.
The winter of 1916/1917 had a significant effect on the power of the Russian Empire. From food shortages to enormous losses on the front, Tsar Nicholas’s reign faced a crossroads; he was becoming even more unpopular among the people. This simmering tension came to a climax on February 23rd, when textile workers went on strike and demonstrated for bread, with the knowledge that Petrograd only had a flour supply that would last ten days. Metal workers soon followed the original demonstrators. A day later, the estimated amount of demonstrators was around 150,000-200,000 people, making it the most massive demonstration since World War I began. The next day, Nicholas II demanded to
Although Igor Stravinsky was a Christian and Claude Debussy was a hedonistic atheist, they were both modern classical composers. However, this was not their only similarity. They also studied music at a college, quickly rose to fame, and composed in several different styles.
They really started to gain real recognition with their first it on the radio station in 1962 called “love me do”. The beetles impact on society was a shock and sudden, the beetles soon became a house hold name and was far more popular than anyone would have guess they . The beetles broke up for varies reasons in the 1970's. They had a very unique and creative song writing style which put them levels above the other musicians during the 1965 1970 era. They had a unique creativity in song writing style that was unpredictable and kept them different from any other bands during there time. The beetles music was very influential to the people of their generation. Their music impacted the way people thought and acted and to this day their music still has the same effect on people of our generation. They helped there fans look at life in a way that was a very unique way of thinking that helped expand peoples minds during a difficult time. One song that stands out to me is “Revolution” from the white album released in 1968. Revolution like many other songs from the white album were very opinionated and could even be viewed as songs of protest. which was made in When analyzing the song “revolution” you can tell obviously that is a protest song. “Revolution” was a song off there album known as the “white album. These songs were very popular during this time period because of the war Vietnam war where a lot of
Analysis of musical quote of legends Introduction Music is one of those unique things that has its own depth as well as emotions The world has seen many great artist and musicians over the years. Two artist, each of them legends in their own era, had two opinion about music. This report critically analysis and evaluate both of the quotations as well as their strength and weaknesses. Analysis of the two quotes
What is the Romantic music period? The Romantic music is the period of Western Classical music that began in the late 18th to early 19th century. It is related to Romanticism, the European literary and artistic movement that came to be in the second half of the 18th century. The Romantic music in particular was extremely significant in the Romantic movement in Germany. In the Romantic period music became more emotional and deeply expressive. we'll known early Romantic composers include Beethoven (whose works are in both this period and the Classical period), Schumann, Chopin,Schubert, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and. The late 19th century saw dramatic growth in the size of the orchestra and wide array of instruments used. Public concerts became a
Johann Sebastian Bach is known as the most influential organists of all time. More so, he is considered one of the greatest composers in music history. Born into a family of musicians, he was instructed by his father, Johann Ambrosius, who worked as a musician in Eisenach. Bach already had the thriving urge to take on various musical positions. His family of musicians stretches back as far as seven generations. Johann was born on March 31, 1685 in Eisenach, Germany. Some of his best known compositions are “Mass in B minor” and “The Well-Tempered Clavier”.
Often, it is quoted that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This saying of motivation may get some through a bad hair day, a difficult task, or possibly a literal supply of lemons. But what about the days of depression, loosing a loved one, or lost friendships? Does the method of making something sweet out of something sour still apply? The Romantics, who lived for tales of tragedy, believed life must obtain some level of darkness in order to produce an enlightening piece of art. Some die hard Romantics even made their own sorrows real in order to capture an inspired creation. One man born in 1840, known as Tchaikovsky, had no need to fabricate tragedies for his inspiration, his life was already sinking in them. This musical genius of course, isn’t remembered as the authority of the Romantics because of the hardships he had, but rather the compositions shaped in the pit of his despair.
ATchaikovsky=s music is not only one of the cornerstones of Russian musical society and world music . . . It is at the same time a creative and technical encyclopedia to which every Russian composer has reference in the course of his own work,@ commented Dimitri Shostakovich.1 This was a typical view held by Tchaikovsky=s contemporaries. He was well known and well respected, especially in his later years. In addition, Tchaikovsky was recognized as the most expressive Romantic composer in Russia.2 He was often idolized and put on a pedestal, particularly during his tour of the United States in 1891 when he conducted concerts of his own works in some of the leading concert halls. Tchaikovsky brought national attention to
Audience members of today can be overpowered by the boundless, encompassing sound that Sergei Rachmaninoff's music creates, and entertainers are wary to supply feelings his works request. Rachmaninoff's pieces are constrained in number, yet their rich sonorities and loftiness have made them gauges of traditional music ("Basic"). In the event that you see, time has been a deceiver to numerous arrangers, however certainly not for Rachmaninoff's situation. He is still recollected today as a standout amongst the most imposing musicians ever and the last really incredible author in the Russian Sentimental convention (Rodman).
Frederic Chopin was a Polish pianist and composer who integrated both the Romantic tradition and technical characteristics of the piano in an innovative and expressive way. (Oxford Music) “Chopin was the Romantic composer most closely identified with the piano” (Textbook) He combined beautiful melodies, inventive chords and harmonies, and virtuosic technique in a natural and eloquent way to create a tremendous collection of piano works throughout his lifetime. (Oxford Music) Of his many prominent works, Chopin’s collection of etudes has been one of the most revolutionary. This paper will delve into the historical and musical aspects of Chopin’s Etudes Op. 10.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is the author of six symphonies and the finest and most popular operas in the Russian repertory. Tchaikovsky was also one of the founders of the school of Russian music. He was a brilliant composer with a creative imagination that helped his career throughout many years. He was completely attached to his art. His life and art were inseparably woven together. "I literally cannot live without working," Tchaikovsky once wrote, "for as soon as one piece of work is finished and one would wish to relax, I desire to tackle some new work without delay." The purpose of this paper is to give you a background concerning Tchaikovsky's biography, as well as to discuss his various works of
Peter Tchaikovsky was a famous Composer from the 19th Century. He is known as the most famous Russian composer in history (“Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Biography”). Some historians think that he was Russia’s first truly professional composer ("Tchaikovsky Music's – Famous”). His music was performed during the late 1800s. He created many musical works throughout this time as a composer and many of these works are still listened to today.