Children now in days are being provided foods that are horrible and disgusting for their health. They are seeing foods that are not healthy and causing them to become obese. In which the leading cause of the unhealthy source comes from schools everywhere. It is wrong for children. In which it should help them understand and become questionable to their eating habits. Children would later see the healthy foods and the benefits it gives them a long happy, healthy life. Instead of being obese and given a limited lifetime. According to Jamie Oliver in the Ted Talk called,”Teach Kids About Food.” He believes children will question their eating habits and want to change it. Which would cause schools to change the menu for the kids? To make them have a healthier variety of meals instead of foods that are high carb, and can be thawed in a matter of seconds. …show more content…
In the article “No lunch Left Behind”, they state,”When school districts allow fast-food snacks in the lunchroom they provoke widespread ire, and rightfully so” (P.4). Which is not right, for the students of the schools. They should have more organic, healthier foods instead of preheating tv-meals. Snacks that schools provide are unhealthy snacks, which is allowing children to choose unhealthy foods. To help students become better and healthier individuals, we should change our vending machines to healthier snacks. Instead of chips,cookies, and pop tarts. We should have vending machines carry oatmeal, granola bars, and fruit. A con of the idea would be making children pay more for food that some cannot even afford which they go to snacks to eat. With the refrigerated snacks, it would require more equipment to make sure the food is good and never goes bad. But after all, this would help students create better habits than wrong
Thank you for your time today. I am writing to you in hope that you will understand the issue and be motivated to make changes due to it. In the united states at least 678,000 deaths each year die due to poor diet, lack of nutrition, obesity and obesity rates have tripled in children. Children all learn what they know, and that includes knowledge on a proper diet, in school, so why are schools not helping enough in this matter? Why are schools hiding healthy eating habits behind bought pizzas and chips and other junk foods in the cafeteria? We, in the united states, are required to educate children in health at schools, through P.E. and health classes, and should not undermine their work by giving out the opposite of what we suggest. Many may say that this takes away freedom or is not that big of a problem, but do children really want to be obese or unhealthy? Do students want to die young from linked diseases such as Diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases? No. They would still have food choices, but they would be able to have better options to choose, ones where facts and statistics do not cause fear in parents, but happiness.
A healthier lunch change is happening across schools statewide. Schools have finally realized that students are not eating as healthy as they should be. Schools will began to have healthier students, better food choices, and be able to cut out unnecessary junk foods. If schools change to healthier lunches, students will begin to become healthier themselves. Students will receive better nutritional value from the change in their lunches. Although students will vote against the change in food, they slowly realize the school is doing this help them achieve better health. Also, students will receive better energy and bodily functions from new and improved lunches. Students will gain increased vitamins and minerals from the which they were not currently receiving Healthier lunches will bring better food choices to students. It will replace normal, unhealthy foods with more nutritious, healthier
Moreover, allowing students to eat healthy school lunches will be able to partially obtain their daily nutrition and reduce the risk of obesity. As a result, if schools continue to allow unhealthy foods to students, then the next generation of students will have a greater risk of obesity. It is often argued that allowing schools to serve healthier lunches will not be able to serve a variety of foods. The counter argument is incorrect because schools can serve a variety of healthy lunches to students. According to Corey Henry, vice president of communications of the American Frozen Food Institute states in New York Times article, “From our perspective, the new rules improve school nutrition, but at the same time give schools the flexibility to serve a variety of foods to meet the goals of everyone involved”(Par. 12). Giving students a variety of healthy school lunches will make more students interested in eating school meals. In the meantime, authorizing students to eat a variety of school lunches will also allow them to experience different types of food. Additionally, the new rules give schools a better nutrition guide to help students eat healthier. Therefore, students can reduce the risk of obesity and other health diseases.
One in three Americans kids are obese or over weight which is a staggering and alarming rate at the same time. So looking 20 years into the future that number could double if nothing is said and done about what we are eating. The public school food in school lunches are unhealthy for many alarming reasons, but not much can be done immediately due to strict guidelines and budgets that schools must follow. A lot of it goes to kids not exercising, and more time watching TV, or playing on the computer. And now days more families have less time to make nutritious home made meals. So they tend to eat School cafeteria lunches that have minimal nutrition’s and harmful calories. To prevent your kid from being over weight mean adapting what you eat, and having to exercise at least 60 minutes a day. If the changes are made to change school lunches, it can help them from being obese, children can improve their lifestyle choices, and lastly it prevents them from getting harmful diseases.
Today one in five school-aged children (ages 6-19) have obesity and people debate over how to decrease this number and prevent it from being more of an issue in the future. School lunches are often brought up in this discussion, some say that by getting rid of all junk food in schools would help decrease the number of obese students and prevent them in future by providing only healthy food options. On the other hand, they say that it's not that simple, the problems are at home and that getting rid of these items could decrease revenues for school activities from those products. Many people believe that junk food should be banned from schools across the nation.
To touch on poor nutrition, research shows that almost one-third of U.S. children between the ages of four and nineteen eat fast food every day; this results in weight gain of approximately 6 extra pounds on a growing child each year (NACHRI, 2007). Fast food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. Not only is fast food an issue, but when parents reward their children with sugary foods and/or use fruits and vegetables as a punishment, this may cause children’s views toward nutritious food to be negative. Some great educational tools that can be shared both in and out of the classroom are “The Food Guide Pyramid” and “My Plate.” Both show that appropriate number of serving of each food category. “My Plate” does a great job of even providing games, activity sheets, kid-friendly recipes, and physical activity tips to elementary aged children (My Plate, 2015). They also provide great resources for adults so parents and educators can practice what they preach and set good examples for children. Educating children on an what a healthy diet consists of and why it is important is probably the greatest preventative tool we can use to prevent obesity. As the famous saying goes, “knowledge is
Thirty one million kids nationwide eat school sponsored meals twice a day for a hundred eighty days and on average for twelve years. In this sense school lunches are an important and critical component of childhood nutrition and development. Yet these meals are highly processed and filled with chemicals and preservatives. School lunch rooms are essentially fast food restaurants; they unload shipments of frozen food then heat it up in glorified microwaves and serve it hot and ready. This is the same basic principle of fast food restaurants and people all know how terribly unhealthy fast food is for them. Still America feeds this toxic material to kids every day. This has been a tremendous issue
Of all of the problems that dishearten children today, the one that bothers them the most is being unhealthy. Five out of six students from the Manalapan Englishtown Middle School agree that there should be a change in the schools' cafeteria foods; they came up with a solution to help kids be healthy. Unhealthy foods should be eliminated in schools for many reasons. First of all, kids concentrate better when they are healthy. Being healthy helps children to concentrate better because if they are healthy in the inside and the outside, they will not have to worry about their health or how they look. Secondly, having only healthy foods in school help parents to take good care of their kids. For instance, imagine a mom that is a seventh
What is this food doing to our children? The childhood obesity epidemic has increased because of the contribution of junk food that is being served in public schools. It has been found that children who eat fatty school foods are more likely to become obese than those who brought lunch from home. Why is this we may ask has a lot to do with the above student that I stated brought their lunch from home daily. You can count the intake of calories that is in your lunchbox but you have no idea what is in the food from you school, half of the time you will not even know what the food is. Also, the specials that are provided for students on special food days increases their calorie intake as well such as; pizza day or wing day. On these days children have shown to intake more food because these are the days that they provide greasy foods that taste swell and the children like them so they will gravitate to them because they do not have the proper knowledge to know what this food can do to your body.
Over the years, school lunches have become a very large issue in our country. Not only are they disgusting, they are unhealthy and should not be served to anybody let alone kids. In the video, “What’s wrong with school lunches,” led by Ann Cooper, she held several very strong arguments regarding school lunches. Ann cooper made several important points on what is wrong with school lunches. She mainly spoke about how it is very necessary to expose kids to healthy foods, and that we have to teach them why it is so important to consume healthy foods rather than foods that are processed. She explained that the way that all of these unhealthy/processed foods are advertised, play a very large role on not only children’s lives, but also everybody’s
The issue of nutritious meals for children has become a common topic in the media in the last several years. “Significant excess body weight affects over 25 per cent of children in developed economies…” (Hawkes and Lobstein, 2011), which presents one of the major markers for poor nutrition- childhood obesity’s prevalence. Although there have been highly publicized pushes for our children to be healthier, such as Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, American children are faced with a future that paints them as being unable to become anything but obese and nutritionally deficit. Changing the content and eating behaviors of children can “...prevent immediate health problems as well as promote a healthy lifestyle…[which may] reduce the risk of a child developing a chronic condition…later in life.” (Brown, 2011). Essentially, the focus has become preventing health problems rather than treating them after disease onset.
Aren’t you tired of getting dried out carrots and old, stale, broccoli every day at lunch? Wouldn’t you like to have more choices? Imagine if you could get delicious, hot, crispy french fries or extra cheesy Marco’s pizza. If we had more delicious options, parents would spend less time packing their lunch in lunchboxes. Parents on average spent 1,800 minutes per school year packing lunches ( To avoid this, cafeterias should serve delicious fast food.
Everyone loves sugar filled snacks, especially children. A kid’s day can be made so much better just by handing them their favorite candy bar. This is something students looked forward to during their school day. Sadly, this was made to change. Schools started banning snacks, and drinks based on their unhealthy effect they have on individuals. According to Beverly Ballaro and Ann Griswold in "Junk Food in Schools: An Overview,” this change occurred when Michelle Obama launched her project for healthy eating in 2010. Let’s Move! Was her way to fix child obesity in America. This directed schools to feed children healthier options, and twice as many vegetables or fruit. This was not a necessity for public schools across the United States. Students should not be limited to what they eat in school. As long as they are being fed their basic lunch, it should not be important what they decide to snack on.
Studies have shown that people need to snack throughout the day to maintain optima health. This is especially true for children. To begin with, having food and beverage easily accessible helps students maintain their energy and focus. Hungry and thirsty students will not learn. If vending machine are stuck with healthy food item, they can affectively help students maximize their education experience. An addition, schools often serve food at time that are difficult for students to eat. A well-stocked maintain vending can be an accommodating solution for this problem.
In most cases, the so-called “delicious lunch” does not fill them up, so students result to purchasing junk foods from the vending machines. These vending machines are stock with potato chips, sodas, and cookies sold for a dollar and the students rush to make enormous lines to fulfill their hunger and appetite. In all honesty, snacks does not provide us with an adequate amount of nutrition. The question I have been longing to collect answers on is why school lunch has not improve to help the well-being of the students? This question deserves to be investigated very carefully because the precious innocents little ones lives are on the line. I feel it is inevitable to allow the conversation on the school lunch to continue to go on without any solutions being thought of yet. I’m very hopeful in this research being able to unravel clues and needed understanding of this