
Teach Kids About Food

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Children now in days are being provided foods that are horrible and disgusting for their health. They are seeing foods that are not healthy and causing them to become obese. In which the leading cause of the unhealthy source comes from schools everywhere. It is wrong for children. In which it should help them understand and become questionable to their eating habits. Children would later see the healthy foods and the benefits it gives them a long happy, healthy life. Instead of being obese and given a limited lifetime. According to Jamie Oliver in the Ted Talk called,”Teach Kids About Food.” He believes children will question their eating habits and want to change it. Which would cause schools to change the menu for the kids? To make them have a healthier variety of meals instead of foods that are high carb, and can be thawed in a matter of seconds. …show more content…

In the article “No lunch Left Behind”, they state,”When school districts allow fast-food snacks in the lunchroom they provoke widespread ire, and rightfully so” (P.4). Which is not right, for the students of the schools. They should have more organic, healthier foods instead of preheating tv-meals. Snacks that schools provide are unhealthy snacks, which is allowing children to choose unhealthy foods. To help students become better and healthier individuals, we should change our vending machines to healthier snacks. Instead of chips,cookies, and pop tarts. We should have vending machines carry oatmeal, granola bars, and fruit. A con of the idea would be making children pay more for food that some cannot even afford which they go to snacks to eat. With the refrigerated snacks, it would require more equipment to make sure the food is good and never goes bad. But after all, this would help students create better habits than wrong

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