
Teaching Someone Something using Classical Conditioning

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Final Project: Teaching Someone Something
The study of Educational Psychology pairs the science of psychology to educational practices and provides teachers with evidence-based knowledge to support their day-to-day decision making in the classroom (PowerPoint, Mullin). Therefore, it is no surprise that many educational psychologists focus their research and understanding on learning theories about how the human brain processes and stores new information. Learning incorporates 3 critical components; permanent, change, and experience. When written in a sentence together, learning is any relatively permanent change in an organism that results from experience (PowerPoint, Mullin). One domain of learning theories named …show more content…

Then, later, the unconditioned stimulus can be withdrawn and the neutral stimulus evolves to become the conditioned stimulus. Now the conditioned stimulus or learned stimulus evokes a conditioned response, or learned response. Given the example, the conditioned response is salivation. When it hears the bell, the dog salivates because the dog was conditioned to associate the hot dog with the sound of the bell. In another study conducted by John Watson, we learn other terms associated with classical conditioning. Watson’s well-known experiment is referred to as "Little Albert." Albert was an 11-month-old baby. Watson showed Albert a small white mouse, which Albert liked. Then, while seeing the mouse, Watson presented a loud noise that scared Albert and made him cry. By pairing the loud noise that scared Albert with the mouse he liked, Watson was able to condition Albert to be afraid of the mouse. Every time Albert saw the mouse, he cried after acquiring the conditioned stimulus (white rat) and conditioned response (fear).
Later, Albert showed signs of generalization. He started showing the same fear response to other things that were also white and fuzzy. Instead of only being afraid of rats, Albert became afraid of mice, white rabbits, and other similar things that resembled the white rat (Ed Psych Modules, Bohlin).
On the contrary, Albert failed to discriminate between 2 stimuli. Instead he believed that the white rabbit would

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