The teaching strategy begins with the use of direct instruction. I stated in a previous paper, “direct instruction teaches a “base”, one that is required for indirect instruction” (Hitchcock, 2013). Once that base is developed, teachers can begin to use student centered (As Gary Borich mentions, indirect instruction teaches items such as concept learning, inquiry, and problem solving through more involvement (Borich, 2011). It also allows for the development of other skills that are connected to critical thinking (Braley, Layman, White, 2003) by using strategies such as cooperative learning, group discussions, and divergent questions.
Another benefit of indirect teaching developing the necessary higher level thinking skills students should develop by forcing students to think about answers, not simply parrot off answers or regurgitate information given in class. It requires students to take bits of information to assist in creating their own responses and learning to use items to defend arguments. All of this, each and every benefit from these types of instruction plays an essential role in accomplishing my personal educational philosophy.
Teacher-Learner Relationships Using these strategies and developing the desired milieu is important. That I believe is not something that many people would debate. However, I personally feel as though these axiological beliefs are not possible without first developing a relationship with my students. My desire is to have my
I used to think that using one teaching strategy would be most effective in the classroom, otherwise the lesson wouldn’t flow as smooth, but now I think using a variety of teaching strategies in one lesson, is more beneficial as it has allowed me to facilitate student learning and achieve lesson objectives more effectively. I learnt that using discussion and inquiry worked really well in all aspects of the lesson, from beginning, middle to end. Through using inquiry questions in the group discussion on the literacy lesson Drac and the Gremlin after we read the book, I was able to gain a variety of perspectives from the students (Killen, 2013), on what happened in the book and what they picture the characters and setting to look. Through asking
SC2 Demonstrate an understanding of how students learn and effective classroom teaching strategies and the capacity to work with colleagues to continually improve teaching and learning.
Organizations successful at strategy implementation effectively manage six key supporting factors : 1. Action Planning
To support a child to the fullest with a learning ability, you must maintain specific teaching strategies that are accommodated and appropriate, therefore providing the child with extra time for reading and writing will help. Provide the child with a variety of letters and numbers, so the child can see what they look like to perform the task, provide the child with correct answer to the problem for demonstration, as a model to gain some understanding of the assignments. Make sure to make accommodations for work assignments, by allowing oral reports, video presentation, cassette tapes, posters etc., to support child learning
Once again, certain people can be brought in to talk to the students. I think having an actual person to talk to is better than just watching a video or having the teacher discuss the topic, because the person is right there, the students know that the situation is reality, and the students know he or she is for real and the students can ask the person their own personal questions.
There are various instructional approaches but one that is widely employed by many teachers is the direct instruction approach. This is the classic teaching style that many people remember during K-12 grade school. The teacher would stand in front of the class lecturing while writing on the black board. That is why direct instruction is also known as “Chalk and Talk” (Evans, 2006). Direct instruction is not out of date and is still appropriate in many situations today. The following will discuss direct instruction and a few scenarios in which this teaching approach is appropriate.
During my PGCE placements I felt I have used a wide variety of assessment, teaching and learning strategies. I feel that this is absolutely necessary in terms of providing the best possible service to the pupils. To be repetitive, predictable and non-contemporary with such strategies is to compromise the effectiveness of your teaching and limit the chance of achieving your Learning Objectives.
Teaching through the years I have noticed that helping a learner succeed in academic roles is not only preparing engaging whole group lessons. Besides rich instruction and flexible grouping, responding to certain interventions it is necessary in order for the learner to succeed in college, career, and life (CCSS, 2015). Therefore, teachers must incorporate strategies that will lead to increased academic performance (Douglas, Burton & Reese-Durham, 2008). Douglas et al. (2008) mention that it has been established that children develop and learn differently; therefore, it is essential that the strategies employed, reflect the changing view points. Kirby (Laureate Education, 2014a) mentions that response to intervention (RTI) before use to be
A learning strategy is a person’s approach to learning and using information. Students use learning strategies to help them understand information and solve problems. Students who do not know or use good learning strategies will ultimately fail in school. Learning approach focuses on making student learners more active, by teaching them how to learn and be successful.
The strategies to be used will depend on several different components, e.g. the ability, knowledge and background of learners, the subject, differing learning styles etc.
Possessing and having a clear understanding of at least the simplest mathematical concepts is an essential and fundamental skill which is necessary to sustain an active, industrious, satisfying role within society. As a result of this necessity, the very comprehensive learning area of mathematics which has been developed within the New Zealand Curriculum and implemented. The Ministry of Education (2007) states that “by studying mathematics students develop the abilities of thinking logically, critically, creatively and strategically while processing, organising and communicating information.” Then answer me this, why is it that there a vast number of students who fail to understand mathematical concepts, grasp various mathematical skills and appreciate the advantages that mathematics has to offer them? This essay will identify at least three issues that may impede or obstruct students from learning mathematics which would include: The lack of equity, the lack of appropriate teaching methods and a lack of enthusiasm by which mathematics is being implemented. This essay will also examine the benefits and limitations of a number of teaching strategies which are being used by current initiatives in Mathematics which when implemented can assist when resolving these issues.
Traditional teaching styles use teacher-centered approach. It includes a teacher that stands at the front and tells students step by step instructions. The teacher decides what is learned, when it is learned, how it is learned, and how learning is evaluated. In a nutshell, the teacher is an information giver and evaluator. The students are just there to learn through lessons and direct instructions. Their attention is mainly focused on passing tests, assessments, and evaluations.
The purpose of this study is to examine how the strategies implemented within the classroom are set in place to increase young adult literature engagement towards African-American males in middle through high school classrooms living in an inner city sector of North Texas.
0.1. Counselling have been using the case study methods for various purposes such as documenting, evaluating and disseminating new approaches to therapy; contributing to public understanding of counselling; the development of theory; drawing attention to critical issues and areas of practice; extending and enhancing the interpretability of large-scale outcome studies; and training (McLeod, 2010). For the current case study, I have chosen a somewhat challenging case, which has contributed a lot to my practical and theoretical learning. This case study is divided into following sections: Case context, the client, the therapeutic process, evaluation of change, and conclusion.
Having good teacher-teacher relationships is very important for the teachers, because they need to share their knowledge and lessons with each other to accomplish the academic goal of the school.