
Essay on Team Behavior

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Team Behavior
The organizational structure is compromised of groups and teams. Organizational behavior theory examines individual and group behavior types in relation to performance, organizational structure, ethics, and conflict resolution. Extensive research has been done in the field of development and application of team behavior and the positive or negative impact it has on accomplishing organizational objectives. Tuckman’s team development theory, Mintzberg’s study of organizational politics, and The Ringelmann effect will be examined. These theories provide insight into the complexities inherent in group structure and the mechanisms organizations need to minimize dysfunctional activities.
The term group and team are used …show more content…

The team begins to mature at this stage. The last stage is adjourning. In this stage group goals have progressed to the point of completion and the team adjourns (Smith, 2005).
Tuckman’s five stage theory of group development has been criticized by Smith, a specialist in informal education and community learning, for being too straightforward. Smith argues while there may be some 'universals of development' when we come to examine, in this case, the individual group things are rarely that straightforward. Human processes are frequently characterized by variability and flux. Furthermore, groups are likely to show significant deviations from the path laid out by stage theories. Smith agrees with the cyclical model method proposed by Bales (1965). Bales maintained that group members tend to seek a balance between accomplishing the task and building interpersonal relationships in the group. At one point the focus will be on the former, at another on the latter. The result is, effectively, a movement between norming and performing (Smith, 2005).
Smith illustrates Tuckman's initial model depicting recurring issues at different points in a group's life. While working on a team project for employee career development, the interpersonal and group dynamics displayed, mirrored the five stage model. This was on a subconscious level as I was not aware of this theory at that time. The team developed

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