Hi there! My names Crystal and I'm going to tell you a little bit about why teamwork is so important and why you should be a team player. One of the first reasons teamwork is important is because it's needed almost everywhere you go or where you work. Places like manufacturing, retail, hospitality, food service, and so many more are all great examples of where teamwork is a key role. When you do something you most likely will be around others or need the help of others so it's crucial that you adjust to the idea of being a team player. Not only will they need you, but you'll also need them therefore you should be kind and considerate and always try to work your way through even the toughest situations. You shouldn't be selfish and only think
From an early age we are instilled the importance of teamwork. The lessons may come from a soccer field, a classroom group project, or even a song on Sesame Street. Regardless of our future careers, we are all likely to experience some sort of teamwork requirement, even if it is as simple as getting along with your co-workers.
The question is does the monopoly power wielded by professional sports leagues hurt fans, players, citizens, local economies, or the sport and the answer is yes. According to Roger Noll an economist from Stanford says, “American taxpayers as well as sports fans will continue to pay through the nose for pro sports until they decide to outlaw the monopoly status of professional sports leagues” (Stanford.edu, 1997). When it comes to the fans or taxpayer’s of the cities that these teams are located, it directly impacts the amount of money they pay for taxes. Every time the owner wants to build a bigger stadium the money comes from the state residence, and if they refuse to pay the professional team could relocate to a state that will. This hostage
ZOOM! Have you ever played Softball or Baseball? It takes a lot of practice. You have to practise (work hard and try) teamwork (work with your team) because you can’t play it by yourself. Your going to need a lot of equipment. You’re also going to need to join a team.
Coaches come from many different backgrounds. Some are former players, some are students of the game, and some just want to learn a new skill. Growing up, I have had good coaches, mediocre coaches, and bad coaches. Although our team record, or my personal seasons haven’t always been up to my expectations, each of these coaches have taught me different ways to coach the game. My sport of choice is baseball. I have played for 14 years, and although an arm injury has probably ended my playing days, my love and passion for the sport is still there. When I think of “Why do I want to coach?” I think of three main reasons that attract my interest. These include, I love seeing people reach new heights through hard work, I feel I have a strong yet unorthodox
High School sports are a big part in the high school experience. Many kids participate in high school sports each year. Some kids do many more sports than others and kids get injured during them. Playing a sport in high school is difficult because you have to worry about school work and family & friends. Also, many people do not make some of the sports team they will try out for and be embarrassed of themselves. Schools should not continue to fund sports because of school work, injuries, and embarrassment.
College sports isn't what everyone makes it out to be. Some people relate college sports to High School sports only to the extent of: it's a level harder. Many feel that college sports isn't that big of a deal. What little people know is being a collegiate athlete is a job. The life ou hae is set out for you on the court. Most of the free time off the court is spent doing homework. There's hardly any time for a social life, and or time for your family. Being a collegiate athlete isn't just about playing sports anymore, this is your job.
Students, Brian Harpin and Brent Nelson at Kankakee Kays High School [Illinois], enjoy playing soccer for the their high school team. They like being part of a team and feel they do not need to be the best players. "You have to play the game, give it your best shot, and not give up," says Nelson. Some of Nelson’s teammates let the competition acquire the best of them. "Sometimes when they missed the ball, they took out their anger on other people," he says. Other teammates told them to just play the game and have fun. All students must play competitive sports in school to make sure that they do not become obese, and so they can stay in shape.
In second grade I met this kid who would smile and laugh at everything and better yet, he played basketball. Since my dad was the basketball coach my team, and he needed another player on the team. He asked Ethan to if he wanted to join the team and Ethan said why not. Ethan was an Asian kid, who was always bigger than everyone else, and would be the nicest person you would meet.
Less than half. Less than half of those who never participated in sports in school, will go on to get a college degree. On the flip side almost ⅔ of student athletes, nationwide, will get a 4 year college degree. These numbers come from a poll done by the Harris Poll, a Nielsen company, that surveyed thousands of people in the U.S. From the poll, researchers found that former student athletes more regularly graduate college and have a higher average income than those that don’t. However, there is much controversy over these activities because of a recent rise in injuries among athletes. High school sports have been becoming more and more popular as of late and rate of sports related injuries has gone up with it. While we can’t ignore the dangers
As I approach my senior year of high school I have been awarded the position of Head Squad Leader on my school drill team. The main purpose of this role is to help lead the team to success and be an example of how to act not only in practice but also in a professional field. Being a part of a high school drill team has made a big impact on my life with how to be respectful to others and be aware of different people and their capabilities.
The amount of money professional sports athletes make today is mesmerizing. It makes sense that the top athletes would make the most money. Teams are able to pay these athletes top dollar amounts because they make an extraordinary amount of money as well. North America has four major sports leagues which has a large majority of its teams playing in the United States and a handful of teams playing in Canada. These four leagues are Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, the National Football League, and the National Basketball Association. To control how much money a team spends on players each season, the respected leagues determine a salary cap for each season. Each league has a collective bargaining agreement where the players
Patrick Lencioni, in his book the Ideal Team Player: How to recognize and Cultivate the Essential Three Virtues, provides the reader, using a fable, the importance of the three virtues an ideal team player must have. The fable highlights the journey of Jeff, the Chief Executive Officer at Valley Builders, and executives Bobby and Clare in establishing a corporate culture built around the virtues of: humility, hungry, and smart. The journey begins with the retirement of Jeff’s uncle and his quick promotion to CEO. Facing two large building projects, Jeff opts to focus on hiring the employees needed to successfully complete the two builds. In addition to hiring, Jeff had to focus on the turnover issues attributed to employee attitudes and
Being a pro athlete requires a few educational requirements depending on the sport. I have special training and my own pay depending on how good I am. I will want to have a agent and a coach that I know will let me play. I will have different work days and it will be fun and hard working. No thesis.
Teamwork is the backbone of effective communication and the crucial cog that keeps the wheel of successful project management turning. The role of teamwork in enhancing problem solving skills, cohesion, learning, and productivity can no longer be ignored. Proper teamwork plays an integral role in promoting the effective implementation and fulfillment of shared goals in a team project in a manner that is better and quicker. Team work also provides a solid platform on which team members can take on different responsibilities and contribute in ways that together makes the entire team an effective unit.
What makes a team player? Some people have that characteristic naturally, while others prefer to work solo. For those who do not like working in groups, may find themselves having no other choice. Many organizations are gearing toward completing task in teams rather than individuals. This may mean employees may be required to attend training seminars or workshops to show them how to do this. Rewarding these individuals is essential for organizations to keep the team building moving forward. IBM showed how a company close to collapse can be turned around by working in teams, not just individually. By understanding the group-decision making process, the stages of group development and ways to improve teams, working in teams will be a