
Teamwork Competencies Paper

Decent Essays

Google’s HR team members, should have definitely been instructed ahead of time, in teamwork competencies. The HR team, would have benefited from orients team to problem-solving situation. Additionally, the team would have known that they, must collectively work together to achieve the goals of the group. Understanding teamwork competencies, will assist a team to becoming successful. In other words, every team should have an understanding of the situation it is facing, as stated by (KSA, 2016) “problem Solving – Identifies and analyzes problems; distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant information to make logical decisions; provides solutions to individual and organizational problems.”
Nevertheless, since Google’s HR team members are cross-functional they would have really benefitted from being instructed about organizing and managing team performances. According to (Kreitner & Kinicki 2013), team work competencies include, organizing and managing team performances which helps teams establish specific, challenging, and accepted team goals. Monitors, evaluates, and provides feedback on team performance. Identifies alternative strategies or reallocates resources to address feedback on team performance, should have been better organized, and monitored. Even though, the HR team was compiled of brilliant members. Yet and still, …show more content…

“Recognizes and praises other team members’ efforts. Helps and supports other team members. Models desirable team member behavior” (Kreitner & Kinicki 2013). Google’s HR team should have been instructed to promote a positive team environment. Positivity can create successful results. According to (Daniels, 2014), If you don’t have a positive reinforcement culture and want to move to one, you do it by positively reinforcing productive behavior. Another, important factor, is that people are fully engaged in any activity that produces meaningful

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