Cam Nguyen
Written portion guidelines:
Answer the following questions in written paragraph form to be turned in:
What exercises did you choose (listing these out is completely acceptable with duration of each exercise, in sequence of how they were performed)?
Exercises were performed in this order : Marching, Squat, Lunge, Side Steps, Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Kick Back, Double Side Step, Jap and Punch, High Knees, Bicep Curls, Should Press, Pushup, Tricep Kickback, Front Kick, Step up, Plank, Sit up
Duration: 30 seconds each.
I grouped 4-5 exercises into a set and repeat each set 3 times with 1-2 minute breaks in between.
How/why did you choose the exercises?
I chose these exercises because I remembered them as the ones I enjoyed doing during
The novel, Tangerine, is full of suspense, secrets, and friendship. The protagonist, Paul, is a middle schooler, who just moved to Tangerine, Florida with his family. He is sick and tired of having to deal with his cruel brother, Erik, the antagonist. Not only that, but Paul wants to know the truth behind how he became visually impaired. In this novel, Tangerine, Edward Bloor shows ideal foreshadowing and symbolism to convey the theme of growth and change.
Each exercise has 2-3 sets and 5-6 reps for maximal power input. Higher weights and lower reps will increase strength because at
Offering a wide variety of instruction, perfect for beginners and advanced student alike leaving you feeling younger, fit, and in shape!
One example of an exercise using a combination of several of these movements together is jumping squats with free weights. This exercise targets the lower body, core and also the upper body. The quadriceps, the hamstrings, the gluteal, the lower back and the abdominals. The back muscle act as stabilizers to keep the body in a correct balance position. In the explosion phase, hip extends in a slight adduction knee extension and ankle plantar flexion. During the landing phase, back into the squat position, all the muscle is in an eccentric position, the hip flexion with slight abduction, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion. Jumping squats with weights are just one of the extended workouts that utilize these principles. It is very important to understand the fundamental movements of major body segments in order to design and execute appropriate workout for my clients and their personal
Option 1 includes moderate-intensity aerobic activities for at least 2 hours and 30 minutes every week and muscle strengthening activities on all the major muscle groups, for at least 2 days out of the whole week. Option 2 includes vigorous-intensity aerobic activities at least 1
PECTORIALS- Ball push-ups. I didn’t do as many reps as I would with regular push-ups because of the incline of being on the ball.
We recommend a class push-pull split workout to simplify your training and obtain faster results. You should organize your workouts according to pushing and pulling movements. An example of a push exercise would be chest, shoulder and triceps. A pull movement would be biceps, back, and hamstrings. The push-pull split workout allows you to hit the gym more often because the muscles you are working are not sore from overuse.
Short-term goal – client for 10 minutes will participate in wrist and hand exercises to increase strength, ROM, and endurance, which will improve
The need to start K9 Fitness with a team rather than just myself is great. As stated by Kathleen Allen, “With a founding team whose expertise covers major functional areas – marketing, finance, operations – the new venture can proceed further before it will need to hire additional personnel” (2014, p. 168). The team will start small, with each person having his or her own certain tasks to help with the initial startup of the business. Each person’s job and responsibilities will be clearly defined as to help avoid conflict throughout the life of the business. “The discussion around who does what is one of the most critical discussions the founding team will have because it directly impacts ownership” (Allen, 2014). This is not to say that the roles in the team can be rearranged, but that will be up to the decision of the owner and can change when needed.
The exercises I found trouble with were front raises (standing), Mud Warriors (kneeling), and Dome push ups. Trying front raises with the BOSU ball flipped caused me to lose balance frequently. It was very difficult but I noticed it working multiple muscles at, this exercise worked out the calves and quads for balance, and it also worked out the deltoids and shoulders during raises. Working on the Mud Warrior was difficult because of balance issues, i noticed my knee would keep moving while doing this exercise. Lastly, while doing dome push ups I found that I could not go all the way down while doing push ups. My "aha" moment came with realizing that the BOSU ball
I want this rank [Helper] So that I am able to mute people who advertise or people that disrespect staff. Somtimes I am online when other staff are not, so advertisers are online and they post ips or links that don't have to do with the server. I am hoping that I am able to kinda clean up the chat a little bit
For each exercise, the participants will perform three sets of ten repetitions. Although it should be noted that the participants will not be lifting their maximum weight ability each time they weight train. Starting on week one, the participants will lift forty percent of their maximum weight
200 splits, I formulated a way to be able to stand by the time the practice was over. It went like
The fourth question, what is knowledge?, Plato answer was it is attainable but it requires effort. Aristotle answer was the soul or mind begins to acquire knowledge through a sense of experience of things, but achieves full knowledge through abstracting the Forms from the things. The fifth question, what is the problem?, Plato answer was failure of people to seek the true good of the mind or soul. Aristotle answer was failure to use ones reason is the chief theoretical or intellectual vice. The sixth question, what is the solution? Plato answer was to be happy even if the society as a whole does not do this. Also the love of wisdom is still the greatest good of the mind or soul and therefore, the mind or soul prepares itself to return to the realm of the Forms when death frees it from the body. Aristotle answer was learn to use reason, both practical and intellectual, and through this it brings the greatest happiness in this life, and there is no indication of afterlife.
Prior to designing the training program, fitness testing was completed. This tested the main fitness components that would be applied in physical activity. It was important that this was done in order to find my strengths and weaknesses