
Teamwork In Nursing Essay

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According to Ballangrud (2017), Teamwork is described in terms of behavior, cognitions and attitudes that make interdependent performance possible and is defined as the interaction or relationship of two or more health professionals who work interdependently to provide care for patients. The critical components essential to patient safety are effective teamwork and sufficient communication. When we see the absence of these two components within a unit or facility it often leads to an increase in adverse events for patients. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 3 and 16% of all patients treated in hospitals are affected by adverse events. The absence of a collaborative unit is an independent cause of multiple failures …show more content…

“Team training is recommended for those who are expected to work together in teams” (Ballangrud,2017). When given access to shared training sessions, a team participates in team building exercises that can provide them an opportunity to understand the needs and concerns of different team members and allows them to form a unified set of goals and values collaboratively which enhances the teams’ effectiveness (Ryan, 2017). The training also involves the use of simulation through case studies which serve as a tool to spark discussions about the responsibilities and roles that members of the team have and improves communication skills by exchanging dialog in relation to efficient patient care and management. The clinical cases used in the simulation training helps professionals better understand the clinical scenario and improves how team members support one another so that they can maximize the teams’ contributions and to achieve the best care possible for their patients (Ryan,2017). After participating in simulation sessions, the American Journal of Surgery encourages groups to debrief and reflect on what they thought went well and what they feel could use improvements (Gardner, Heymann, Hogg, Kosemund & Martinez, 2017). The main goal of team training sessions are generally focused on improving team performance so that they are trained adequately to provide safe and effective patient care and place patient safety as the number one

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