
Teamwork Strength

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There are numerous ways in which my strengths are used throughout my day-to-day life. My number one strength was teamwork, which will be an extremely important strength to carry since I plan to pursue a career in business. One way I used this strength the past summer was by working with four other people. I worked as a tour guide and we also served brunch every day. Whenever people wanted brunch one would take their order, one would get their drinks, one would cook the eggs, one would cook whatever else they wanted, and the last one would butter their toast. To perfect this task, it was necessary for all of us in the workplace to use teamwork effectively. As well, whenever someone came for a tour typically two people would go with them. One …show more content…

Now that I am currently back into my class schedule I will be having to use teamwork quite a lot seeing that I have numerous group projects throughout the semester. Teamwork in this situation will include being willing to meet up with other group members, listening and respecting their ideas, suggesting my own ideas, and so forth. Teamwork requires a bit of effort; however, it is less difficult when it is one of your strengths. My second strength was love. Every day I find it very easy to give love to others surrounding me, which includes my friends and family. Each day I talk to my parents and my boyfriend, I ask how they are doing and tell them how much I love and appreciate them. If any day I see that a friend of mine has a depressing tweet or status I will text them, and try my best to cheer them up by reminding them of how great they are and how much they are loved by their families and myself. The third strength I received was fairness, which I did not realize how much of a strength it was to me until now. I do not even directly try to always be fair but I believe that my parents have always taught me to be fair to each and every person regardless of who they

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