There are numerous ways in which my strengths are used throughout my day-to-day life. My number one strength was teamwork, which will be an extremely important strength to carry since I plan to pursue a career in business. One way I used this strength the past summer was by working with four other people. I worked as a tour guide and we also served brunch every day. Whenever people wanted brunch one would take their order, one would get their drinks, one would cook the eggs, one would cook whatever else they wanted, and the last one would butter their toast. To perfect this task, it was necessary for all of us in the workplace to use teamwork effectively. As well, whenever someone came for a tour typically two people would go with them. One …show more content…
Now that I am currently back into my class schedule I will be having to use teamwork quite a lot seeing that I have numerous group projects throughout the semester. Teamwork in this situation will include being willing to meet up with other group members, listening and respecting their ideas, suggesting my own ideas, and so forth. Teamwork requires a bit of effort; however, it is less difficult when it is one of your strengths. My second strength was love. Every day I find it very easy to give love to others surrounding me, which includes my friends and family. Each day I talk to my parents and my boyfriend, I ask how they are doing and tell them how much I love and appreciate them. If any day I see that a friend of mine has a depressing tweet or status I will text them, and try my best to cheer them up by reminding them of how great they are and how much they are loved by their families and myself. The third strength I received was fairness, which I did not realize how much of a strength it was to me until now. I do not even directly try to always be fair but I believe that my parents have always taught me to be fair to each and every person regardless of who they
My second key strength is showing gratitude to others. If someone does something for me or helps me develop a new skill. I show gratitude to them by thanking them, and I tell them that really appreciate their help. I am there for that person when they need my help.
A second strength would be an individualized consideration provided to each team member with a focus on self-interest which as a key advantage to accomplishing good work. My team trusts my guidance as their leader because they know that in the end I have their success as individuals in mind. Over time I have proven to them that I have no personal agenda to adhere to and therefore the decisions I make with regard to them are solely for their benefit. I am able to delegate tasks to individuals that I believe are willing and excited to accept the task at hand, whether they believe they are ready or not. It is my belief in others to rise to any challenge that fuels my strength as a leader. Only when they do not succeed, do I find it necessary to intervene and take action. This foundation of trust is also vital to my success as a leader.
I believe that my strength are that I am a fast leaner. I do not give up easily, and I also make sure if I am going go to do something I do it to the best of my abilities.
Strength is that part of your intellect or nervous system that is more effective and productive than other parts. Throughout your experience of life, your actions or reactions drive different thoughts, behavior and emotion in your brain. The requests that are processed more efficiently and rapidly are known as your strengths. Nowadays, strengths-based approaches to work and life are gaining a lot of popularity and often they are used to improve leadership and create more productive and efficient work teams.
Participants would be provided with a consent for them to participate, and this form would indicate a description of the research. After obtaining the consent form, both caregiver and participants would be informed that the surveys are anonymous. During the completion of the surveys, the participants will be instructed to complete the entire survey with accurate information. In addition, I would inform the participants that they will not be time, and the surveys can be discontinued at any time.
Being able to recognize my own strengths and weaknesses has help me become a better person in everything I have chosen to do in life. One of my strengths would be patience. This strength has lead me on a less stressful path to raising my seven-year-old son. When dealing with my son, whether it is during game time or school work, patience on my behalf makes me have self-control and not get anxious or become irritated. One of my weakness I would have to say is public speaking. Thanks to the speech class I took in college, I have learned to hide my fear while doing a presentation in front a big group of people, even though I begin to blush and I break
Another strength of mine is my passion and enthusiasm for the field. This trait is something I pride myself in and means that I put 100% effort into everything I do. My passion is evident by the autistic patient I work with. I give extra assistant with this patient because I want to and not because my supervisor requires me to. I volunteered over the other techs to be included in all her
I think that one of my best strengths is that I can get along with people. Going to a large high school has led me to become the mediator in a number of situations and I learned how to make people feel better and prevent future conflicts. This is a very important skill to have in the community due to the fact that most of my life is in the presence of other
My second and third ranking strength were Empathy and Harmony. Out of all the strengths these are the two I feel really go hand-in-hand. “Empathy-You can see the sense of emotions of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though their feelings were your own. Intuitively, you are able to see the world through their eyes and share their perspective. You do not necessarily agree with each person’s perspective. You do not necessarily feel pity for each person’s predicament-this would be sympathy not empathy. You do not necessarily condone the choices each person makes, but you do understand. The instinctive ability to understand is powerful.” “Harmony-You look for areas of agreement. In your view there is little to be gained from conflict and friction, so you seek to hold them to a minimum. When you know people around you hold differing views, you try to find a common ground.” (PH.Ds, Clifton, O., Anderson, E., Schreiner, L., Pg 26) When I was still digesting my strengths out of all the top five listed these two I am most grateful for, and in my opinion will be the most useful not only in life, but also in the
A third strength I have is an inner drive to be able to stick to a task and get it done. Whether it is at work or at school, if I am assigned a task I make it a point to work at it until the task is done. If a deadline is presented in front of me I have something inside of me that forces me to keep working on it until it is completed and not just completed but done first the right way. Which leads to another strength that I have is a strong work ethic. In my profession in recruiting what I do reflects me and the company that I work for. When I go to recruiting events or career fairs I represent the company that I am there for. Everything about me such as my demeanor, my dress, my attitude, etc. reflects the professionalism of the company as well as any reports or products that are produced and put out by me. I take pride in my work and
In addition to my personal challenges my personal strengths interfer. A personal strength I have is talking , I love sharing my opinion. Another personal strength I have is giving good advice because I love helping people solve their problem or help make their lives easier. Lastly another personal strength I have is just listening because I am a good person to vent to because I don’t judge. Therefore I always spread positivity and lean a hand.
The dynamics of a team relies heavily on the interaction of team members during times of conflict not just during times of agreement. Often groups seek to achieve a cohesive relationship in an effort to unite the team towards its goals. Group members can make the mistake of subverting conflict in an attempt to maintain this team unity. Conflict serves a valuable role in effective group interactions that must be understood by participants of a team. An examination into the characteristics of conflict and cohesion and the relationship between the two dynamics can provide perspective to
A leader could use this information to create a very strong strength-based team who was aware how each would interact in situations and with other employees. It would be very good to have during conflict resolution situations to explain that some of the conflict could be caused by a difference in personalities and then facilitate a discussion of how they could use each other strengths and recognize their own weaknesses. Knowing this information, would allow you to see how diversify your staff was in behavioral traits and if a certain department was heavy on one behavioral trait. Having information like this as a leader can spark very meaning discussions among staff and help them use their own and other’s behavioral traits for success.
One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well-organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important. A personal strength
The biggest strength I have is to be creative with the situation that I am given. This in not only a skill that suggest that one can synthesize material to give it a sense of authenticity, but also can adapt and accommodate in the moment. Even the best planners can have a poor classroom dynamic; the rigidity of these classes is what prevents them from engaging students in the moment. I genuinely believe in effective planning and mythology but I also believe in breaking from the script and to accommodate the needs of learners in creative ways.