
Technological Advancements In Frankenstein's Monster

Decent Essays

Technological advancements have effected humans in many different ways from texting to the creation of monsters. Even though some technological advancements may at first seem to positively impact society, once they progress to interfering with the greater good of human beings the progress becomes negative. Technological advancement can negatively impact the greater good of human beings if used incorrectly. Victor Frankenstein attends the university of Ingolstadt to study the sciences interrelated to creating his monster, this became his “sole occupation” (51) thus prompting him to abandon his family and social life to focus on the technological advancement of creating a monster. The creation of his monster would soon become a nightmare as Victor “collected the final instruments of life” (58) around him. At first Victor believed that his modern technology would positively impact society as he began to call his creation “Beautiful” (58). “Technology is so great that it can turn bad” (Chris) even the technological advancement of cell phones has been negatively impacting the greater good of human beings as it “creates lots of problems for humans both psychologically and physically” (Chris). The use of cell phones does not have to be bad but “rate at which we use technology” (Chris) will have a negative impact. Victor ends up paying for his technological advancement when The Monster ends up killing his own brother William, as he cried out “Monster! Ugly wretch! You …show more content…

This was one of Victors biggest consequences for

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