
Technology And Poverty In Schools

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Technology is the “wonder drug” of today’s functioning society. Want to videochat with family on the other side of the globe, technology has got it covered. Or using ultrasounds to get a glimpse of a baby while he is still in his mom’s belly. Or as simple as finding a restaurant with excellent cocktails and atmosphere, there’s an app for that. But is technology really the savior for all life’s woes? Certainly there are problems that technology can’t be the go to solution for and as poverty in schools is one that is too big for technology to tackle on its own. Poverty in schools is becoming an overwhelming issue and one proposed solution to bring these schools’ performances up is to flood the school with technology. While technology has its …show more content…

Growing up as a kid many probably heard a phrase similar to this, “there are starving children in Africa, you better eat all your dinner!” However what many people fail to realize is there are plenty of those starving children right here in the United States, not just off in faraway lands. It may be because America doesn’t like to look at society as having a real distinction between its classes or socioeconomic status (SES). America is just one big middle class in our misguided, hopeful eyes. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. What classifies an individual as being in poverty is when their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met. The US Government states the poverty line in 2016 for an individual is an annual income of $11,770 and $24,250 for a family of four. According to a recent study released performed by the US Census between 60 and 75 percent of all Americans live below or near the poverty line. The 2010 US Census reports “the number of people in poverty in 2009 climbed to 46.3 million—one in seven Americans...36 percent of all people who live in poverty are children.” With that being said, “childhood poverty rates are higher in the United States than in any other industrialized country, and this rate is on the rise” (Parrett & Budge, p. 37). That fact is startling to most, as Americans don’t view America

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