
Technology Has Improved Healthcare And It Is No Secret Today

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Technology has improved healthcare and it is no secret today (Brailer, 2005). Technology not only brings superior testing and monitoring smart devices that find root cause of problems with high degree of accuracy, but also, it has brought in noninvasive systems of surgery that has largely improved the healthcare delivery. Thus, it can be said that technology has improve the chances of survival of patients who are receiving intensive or critical healthcare treatment. For example, many advanced systems of developed in place of bypass surgery that are more beneficial and long lasting in nature. Technology has enabled to use Laser technology in multiple surgical process that were only dreamt few years back. Thus, it causes less pain, less …show more content…

The story of healthcare informatics started in the 50’s decade by the establishment of the German Society for Medical Documentation, Computer Science and Statistics, the first professional organization dedicated to the healthcare information, but the real integration of computer science in healthcare informatics started in the early 60’s, with stablished standards according to the jurisdiction of ASTM (American Society and Testing for Materials) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards. Eventually the different needs regarding the variety of medical branches supported the development of different standards related to every niche; standards development organizations must determine all the policies related to the use, security and storage of the medical information (Sprivulis, et al., 2007). Nowadays, although healthcare informatics isn’t a completely mature branch, it has received a huge collaboration in the last decade with the development of advanced softwares to support the recompilation based on the determined and more standards, storage and safe/accurate information sharing. With the technology’s advances, healthcare informatics procedures are getting more automated every time; approximately

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