
Technology Is Ruining Humanity In 'The Pedestrian'

Decent Essays

“Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons” (R. Buckminster Fuller). Most high school students would agree about technology ruining humanity. Humanity is the way we socialize, the way we act, and the way we communicate. Technology will cause humans to stop interacting with each other face to face in person and instead we will be interacting through the internet. When every single human in society has some type of technology, interacting will be different. Humans will stop going outside to interact with others and will interact by phone or technical device. Humans will wake up and spend the whole day inside interacting with others through their electronic devices. When there is no actual normal human interaction we will look like dead zombies sitting in front of our devices. Technology is ruining …show more content…

In this story culture is being destroyed by all the new technology like televisions. It is normal for people to be watching television all day because Mr. Mead says, “What’s up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7, Channel 9” (97). Instead of people reading books or playing a board game as a family they sit and watch television all day. Humanity in “The Pedestrian” is coming to an end because there isn’t any people interacting with other people. Instead of technology being good for humans it is destroying humanity. Technology will become a daily thing in our lives. Machines will start to take over everyone's job and the people would not have a reason to get up in the morning. Home schooling is available to everyone and if students start to take online classes then it will stop students from getting up in the morning. When students stop going to school they will not have the human interaction they need with other human beings. When people stop interacting with other then it will cause everyone to be antisocial because there will not be anyone to interact with besides your

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