
Technology Planning : Perceived Educational Technology Needs Survey Essay

Better Essays

Technology Planning
Adapted from Ted Wesley - National Center for Technology Planning ( and Alan November of November Learning

While performing your duties:

1. Do you ever, or often, think, “There must be an easier way to do this?” If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement would apply:

1. …to provide homework assignments to students.

2. ….to complete the class worksheet that provides what topics were covered and progress made.
3. …to complete attendance sheets.

4. …complete periodic assessments to determine English class level.

5. …communicate with the director of the program.

2. Do you ever, or often, think, “I could do this faster if only...” If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement would apply:

1. …the director would use email or text instead of calling on the phone.
2. ...a computer was available in the classroom with projection capabilities.
3. …proper materials were available. Either a book for each student or extra copies of pages discussed on a given day or an online version of the book.
4. …there was better communication between ELL teachers and administration.
5. …students were assigned to the right level in the program.
3. Do you ever, or often, think, “I wish I had a helper to help me do...” If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to

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