
Technology Trends

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Innovations in analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), digitization, and automation are creating several productivity and performance opportunities for businesses and other industries such as agriculture, as well as the wider economy. Further, these technologies are reshaping the future of work and employment and how the most pressing challenges at present will be solved, including in medicine, agriculture and food security, and business. The business landscape has been reshaped significantly in the recent past, supercharging business performance and resulting in the emergence of new innovations in business as well as new forms of competitiveness. The technologies continue to advance, resulting in new waves of developments in robotics, …show more content…

Research shows that screening in both high risk and healthy populations provides an excellent opportunity for the early detection of cancers and creates greater opportunities and chances for successful treatment and cure of cancers (Schiffman, Fisher & Gibbs, 2015). However, at present, every screening test has its imitations, and improved methods of screening and managing knowledge for cancer is needed to attain better outcomes. Big data analytics and artificial intelligence offers much promise in this area. One area that has been signled out as a gap in effective cancer research and treatment is that most information hospitals record about patients is not being effectively used for better outcomes fr cancer patients (Guillen, 2017). cancer will be detected in far les shorter time in future using AI; present research shows that it is possible to accurately detect cancers in less tha a minute through the use of AI with very high levels of accuracy (Donnelly, 2017). Clinical decisions usually are made based on the results from the few persons that participate in these trials, usually just 3% of all patients so that the data collected about other 97% of patients is never used and this is an area big data, knowledge management (KM) and analytics can play a very huge role. The vast amounts of data

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