Technology and Education The use of technology in schools has a great effect on not only students, but teachers as well. Today, we mostly think of technology as computers, but it is much more than that. In fact, one of the first technologies used in the classroom was the chalkboard. Most students today use technology throughout their school day. Uses for technology can be found for every subject matter a student has. Some of the most widely used tools are found in the English and Language Arts classes. Writing on word processors allows students to cut-and-paste, save their work, and use spell checkers and thesauruses. With technology students are also given advantages in learning how to read. Reading programs use …show more content…
Many problems seem almost impossible without them. Technology is also very useful to students in foreign language education, distance education, and for helping students with special needs. Technology can help students in all areas of study. Students need to be able to use this technology since, “Currently and in the near future, it is understood that students need to acquire more autonomous skills of ‘information gathering, analysis, and display’” (Todnem, 2004, p. 1). Furthermore, the use of technology, mainly the internet, provides for variation since “Students find themselves bored and burnt-out of the lecture format to classes, so changing the curriculum and instruction to include things like online assignments and educational videogames can be one clear remedy” (Todnem, 2004, p. 1). Teachers who have implemented technology into their classrooms have noticed changes in their students. The most common of these effects being an increase in motivation. In “Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students” another positive effect is given “technology effect stressed by many teachers was enhancement of student self esteem” (“Effects,” 2004, p. 2). Technology not only affects students, but also teachers. Resources such as voice mail, email, and the World Wide Web all aid teachers in informing parents of upcoming events, responding to students and their questions, and searching for information. There are also technology tools
Society is becoming more reliant upon technology every day. Technology is found in hospitals, banks, grocery stores, homes, and schools across the nation. As technology becomes more prevalent in the classroom, teachers need to learn how to use it effectively. Differentiating instruction, facilitating learning, enhancing communication, and facilitating instruction are all appropriate ways to use technology in the classroom (Standards for Teachers). Once these types of technology are mastered, student performance, creativity, and thirst for knowledge should begin to increase.
Technology of the past 20 years has become a focal point of teaching and learning. As a teacher, it is my job to facilitate the learning for an individual by creating an environment that not only conducive for learning, but also places the child in a position to discover and learn them for themselves. Technology has given teachers to opportunity to take learning beyond the classroom, and has begun to reshape their role in the learning process.
Technology in the classroom is great and all but, it can be a hindrance at times.
Technology in the classroom is important for teachers, parents, and students alike, because technology use has become a necessary skill for survival in today’s vastly expanding technology driven global economy. Research has shown an increase in student’s success rates when exposed to technology in the classroom. Also technology has opened lines of communication between educators and parents to keep students on track, and help teachers educate better.
There are so many avenues to experience by using technology from research to presentation. For example, the use of classroom-to-classroom video chatting, such as a debate between two classes on a particular subject, can help students learn in a quicker manner and help them understand the topic at a higher degree. The use of iPads early on in elementary school and the introduction to computers that many children don’t receive would be beneficial later on in life. In today’s society, technology is used extensively in the workforce. Having the proper up-to-date technology can help the student better succeed and stay on top of the growing world. Utilization of technology will now prepare students for a better future. Schools should provide more ways to use technology in order to prepare students for a better
Regarding the advantages of the use of technology, it could be said that provides a constant activation and motivation to the students (Davis, 1992), provides a safe ground for individual work as well as a collaborative environment, instant feedback, depending on the tool, about the results of the learning and in countries with economic difficulties it could eventually contribute to satisfy an educational need in some contexts, that is, provide instruction to a large mass of students.
Technology is everywhere, in every corner of the world; moreover, everyone with access to technology will agree that it facilitates nearly every task while also performing said task at a fraction of the time it takes to perform it without the aid of technology.. The twenty-first century is a time period in which technology experienced, perhaps, its biggest boom resulting in it being used in the educational world, too. The use of technology in schools is an immensely beneficial concept both for the students and the teachers. Technology in the classroom is beneficial because it increases productivity, it makes performing tasks easier, and it increments student engagement.
Technology is everywhere, it is involved in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With technology being such a fundamental part of our lives and growing each day, it only makes sense that schools incorporate technology in the classrooms. Even though many people support the use of technology in schools, there are those that have concerns about the effectiveness of technology and whether or not it undermines education to solely prepare students for the workforce. Despite the concerns, technology is being integrated with classroom lessons daily, and proving how beneficial it is for student success.
technology as teaching aids in schools as well. Many people believe that technology in class
For many teachers, technology can help their students overcome learning challenges by motivating them and keeping them organized. Reading comprehension and evaluation can be done more accurately especially when the child focuses on what is being read to them (with a computer's help). Tools like the smart board are a fun addition to the classroom and are a great tool; they can make a students lesson more interactive, a quiz faster paced, and they can bring the Internet into the classroom. Videos and podcasts can bring students from other countries into the classroom as well. Classroom material can be shared with anyone, anywhere at anytime (example: Web 2.0).
I, as a student, also feel the convenience that the computer brings to me when I study the coursework. Nowadays, I cannot imagine a life without a computer. For my study, I use the computer to read the learning materials, prepare for my class, and review the class afterwards. When I meet difficulties in my curriculum work, I find help from my classmates, my friends, or even strangers online. Even in my personal life, I use computers and smart phones to entertain myself, contact my family members and communicate with my friends every day. After I have learned the lectures in Week 12, I find myself have a much deeper understanding on how technology affect the way of learning and teaching in today’s classroom. In the following, I
Technology can help teachers organize their classrooms and it adds the power of efficiency as well. Children can work on computers while the teacher helps others. Students have an advantage over paper and pencil by writing with a word processor.
The use of technology in the classroom is an important tool to utilize as an educator. Technology allows for educators to have instant access to a plethora of resources that would not be available if technology was not used in the classroom. Teachers have the ability to plan lessons, create presentations, and have interactive games for students to use as a learning tool through the use of different digital devices. Modern day technology is rapidly advancing and providing teacher with many different tools to use in the classroom to enhance the students learning experience.
There are various types of technology that can be used as methods of learning. Technology provides schools with digital learning tools including computers, projectors, and interactive whiteboards. In the past and still currently used today, teachers would use hard copies of textbooks and handouts. There are many questions that come to peoples’ minds on if technology should be applied to the educational curriculum. For example, the main question: why should technology be used in classrooms? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having technology available to use in classrooms? The use of technology should be applied in classrooms because it can enhance students’ learning abilities, expand teachers’ teaching methods, and gives students an introduction to further advancing technology.
Across the U.S., technology used in education has been increasing exponentially. Every learning institution ranging from elementary school to college have incorporated technology into their teachings. Online textbooks, quizzes, notes, and classes are all examples of how education has been utilizing technology. While technology has a place in education, not everything in education needs to involve technology.