
Essay Technology and Education

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Technology and Education

Technology has revolutionized the way in which all humans go about their daily lives. In every second of every day, our world and way of life becomes more developed and dependant on technology for the basic needs of human existences. Whether it is at home, work, school, walking down the street, or listening to music, technology has allowed people to do things better, faster, and more efficiently. As the world continues to explode with new technology being developed and current technology being refined, the emphasis on technology in education will be increasingly important. Technology can significantly enhance the development of learning and it is important that an understanding of technological …show more content…

As a future educator, I understand the importance of knowing your material and effective ways in which to relay that essential information to student. The more informed and better prepared the teacher is, the more effective they become in developing the minds of the students.

What is good for the development of the teachers is equally if not more vital to the students. There have been thousands of studies calculating the effect that technology has on the learning process. One of these studies was done by the Milken Family Foundation and Education Week in West Virginia, the first state to do a statewide learning program and test for its effectiveness. It is stated in the results that the effective use of technological programs can and does “advance both the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics as well as students’ ability to think critically and creatively.” In a different study conducted by James Kulik, a research scientist at the Center for Research and Learning at the University of Michigan that has done well over 100 studies comparing classrooms that used computer aided education with classrooms that did not, stated that “students in the computer using classrooms learned more and learned it faster”( The more accurate information thateducators can give to students and the faster the students understand the material, the more developed that our education systems will be and in effect will turn out

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