
Ted Talk Essay

Decent Essays

In Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are,” she develops her argument by beginning with someone’s posture and gradually builds up to someone’s attitude. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk was a good way to show that a person’s body language does shape who the person is as an individual. Amy Cuddy makes a convincing argument that “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.” In her discussion about a person’s posture, she points out the way people are sitting. By pointing out the poor posture, the audience feels obligated to sit up straight. According to Amy Cuddy, when someone closes up their body it can cause a lack of confidence, to have better confidence then good posture and would demonstrate power and confidence. She uses Usain Bolt winning a race as an example to show what power and confidence looks like. Closing up your body to another person who shows power and stands …show more content…

Amy Cuddy could not have said it any better, ‘She didn’t fake it till she made it, and she faked it till she became it.” (19:20) Faking a good attitude and confidence it can make you increase your confidence and attitude in whatever you are doing. Just think about something in a positive way and sooner than later it will become more positive. She is right because many people do the same thing in a couple of situations. If an athlete is at practice they may think, “Okay, you can do this” and that helps them concentrate on what they are supposed to do and are capable of achieving it. This little voice in my head can help unravel my whole life. Much like Amy Cuddy stated, “The voice inside someone’s head can help that person accomplish their goals if they keep thinking that they can do it. Amy Cuddy used an example about a student of hers who said that she should not be in one of the smart classes and that took an impact on Amy Cuddy due to the fact that she felt the same way. She saw herself as that student and it made her

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