Advertisements go through a long process before being filmed. Many factors are thought of when creating an advertisement that stands out and appeals to the audience. They bring in factors like ethos, pathos, and logos to attract the audience and make the commercial interesting. Specifically, The Teddy Bear Duracell commercial leans more towards pathos and incorporates ethos and logos to back up their claims. They created their advertisement in order for their audience to feel emotionally connected while watching it. They want them to stop them in their track and have all eyes on them.
The advertisement is about a military father overseas and his family awaiting his return home. During his term there, he buys a battery-powered teddy bear. The camera shows him putting Duracell Quantum batteries in it and recording an audio message. When the daughter is handed the teddy bear from her mother she is overjoyed when she squeezes it and can hear her father’s voice through the teddy bear saying, “I love you, baby girl.” She spends every waking moment with it and loves it just like it was her real father. Not only do the Duracell Quantum batteries provide her with a long lasting, talking teddy bear, they also allow her to be with her dad even when he’s not
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For instance, the little girl never had to change the batteries once in the teddy bear she received from her dad, they were perceived to be long lasting. Also, the girl always trusted her dad that he did love her and even if she was upset and didn’t understand why her dad was gone for a long time, she brought the teddy bear everywhere, until finally, he came home. This parallelism was a big literary element in the commercial because it helped the audience clearly see the connection between the story and the
What captures the attention of people when they view an advertisement, commercial or poster? Is it the colors, a captivating phrase or the people pictured? While these are some of the elements often employed in advertising, we can look deeper and analyze the types of appeals that are utilized to draw attention to certain advertisements. The persuasive methods used can be classified into three modes. These modes are pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos makes an appeal to emotions, logos appeals to logic or reason and ethos makes an appeal of character or credibility. Each appeal can give support to the message that is being promoted.
Whenever you drive down the road you see an ad. Whenever you’re on your phone or watching T.V. you will see ads. Ads are all around you wherever you go; it is close to impossible to go a day without seeing one single ad. All ads have one specific purpose, and that purpose is to make viewers intrigued to buy exactly what is being advertised. Advertisers use three strategies to draw viewers to ads, pathos, logos and ethos. These deal with emotions, logic and facts, and credibility. Ads can range anywhere from just words to pictures and if you look hard enough you will be able to locate these appeals within every ad you see. Bauer uses the appeals of pathos, logos and ethos to convince viewers that their hockey stick, the Vapor APX, is far better than any of their competitor’s sticks.
The first rhetorical appeal which I am going to discuss about this ad is the use of ethos. There are many ethos in this ad and one of them is the use of doctors in the advertisements.During the commercial the audience sees the doctors conducting research, conducting tests, and checking on patients. Due to having complete many years of education to receive a M.D. as well as being able to save lives, doctors are usually referred to as extremely credible characters. and Therefore, by showing doctors the audience become more confident in the overall credibility of the ad. They also show the nurses and doctors being gentle with the children, caring for them, and hugging them, which gives the audience a sense of trustworthiness of the doctors and nurses. Another example of the ethos in this commercial is the expression of good. By donating only $19.00 you can save children's lives which makes you feel good. Due to selflessness of good will, it comes as credible thing to do.
The reason for this is that from the advertisement one could sense an appeal to our sense of identity, self-interest and emotions. It added some amount of excitement and humor. A positive image was created from the video about the Papa John’s Pizza and it really made me feel persuaded to buy the pizza.
For me among all the Super Bowl Ads, 2014, the most memorable and effective one was the Budweiser’s, “Puppy love” ad. It was a heartwarming story to see an adorable puppy’s determination to hang out and be friends with his favorite famous Budweiser Clydesdale horse.
Most commercials that advertise products often throw them in the viewer’s face. Companies believe that their product is the best and people should buy it because of their many different reasons. Commercials normally share important information about the product; maybe how much it costs, the special features that make it so great, and how someone can get their hands on it. This one is different. The Chevrolet commercial “Maddie” creates positive attitudes and emotional connections to promote its product with a down to earth, heart touching story that audiences can relate to.
The woman in the commercial reminisces of her father when she was younger which appeals to the audience’s sense of empathy. When she was young, her father taught her to ride a bike. The audience at one point likely learned how to do something from their guardian whether that was riding a bike or tying their shoes. Just like in the commercial, learning these qualities
First of all, through the persuasive appeals, the advertisement shows the new mothers the importance of giving their child a companion that will grow old with them. Second, through the language and sound, the company targets their audiences on an emotional level by letting them know that they are devoted to their customers. Finally, in the appeal strategies, being youthful is one of the many ways that IAMS gets their customers to buy their products especially with this specific target audience. This advertisement has done a fantastic job of targeting their audience and persuading them into not only buying their product once, but buying it for their dog’s
Nowadays, commercial is becoming a major part of mass media. It does not only try to inform people about the availability and attractiveness of industrial good productions but also contribute to build an awareness of resources and alternatives for customer in daily life. There are thousands of commercials, so to attract customer, advertisers use various kinds on their commercial to make people aware of the firm's products, services or brands. Though they use various kinds on the commercial, the main goal of advertising tries to convince customer to buy their products, or do what they want. An excellent commercial will create a deep impression on their customers, or who want to become their customers by using three classical appeals:
There are millions of commercials. All of them have different audience and purpose. Advertisement maker tries to convey audience to look at their point of view, which can be political, social or convincing them to buy their product instead of others. According to the article “Rhetoric and Advertising” more than 2,000 years ago the Aristotle came up with three different categories to describe how people use rhetoric to persuade people: ethos, pathos and logos. Each of these terms describes different way to try to reach an audience and convince them to agree with you. Pathos is an appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Logos is an appeal to logic, and is a way of persuading an audience by reason. Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader. Many ad makers use 2 of 3 techniques in their ad. Commercial maker uses logos and ethos a lot while making a commercial. For example, Luna commercial. Luna is a carpeting company who installs new carpet in houses at the discounted prices. They always have a promotions going on which includes get carpet in 2 rooms and get the 3rd one for free, by doing this they are attracting customers, this is example of ethos. They also have a catchy audio which makes people remember their number (773-241-LUNA) this is an example of logos. They also have family who are dressed well talking about how good their
For this essay I will be using the commercial made by Budweiser for the 2015 Super Bowl, “Lost Dog.” This advertisement is about a tiny lost puppy getting far away from home and most importantly, the friendship between this puppy and some Clydesdale horses. In the beginning of this commercial, the puppy is shown hiding under some hay, and then he proceeds to jump into a random trailer which initially gets him lost far from home. There is no dialogue in this commercial aside from the music in the background, but the advertisement shows the distress of the owner through facial expressions and scenes where he puts
When it comes to the topic of commercials, most of us readily agree that commercials are irritating. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the purpose of the commercial. Whereas some are convinced that commercials are meaningless, others maintain that commercials tell a story. Effective commercials are repetitive and illustrate a story. Marketers use rhetoric marketing, the art of persuasive speaking and writing, when persuading an audience to buy a product. Rhetoric marketing is especially effective through the illustration of a story. It is effective because the marketer is able to relate to the consumer with a story or message. Advertisers also use the appeals of logic, credibility, and emotions to intrigue interest in a company. Coca-Cola’s advertisement, “Falling,” depicts the product as a confidence building companion suitable for young love through a series of logical and emotional appeals that visibly promotes the brand’s credibility.
The average person will watch approximately 2 million commercials throughout their lifetime. In this technologically driven environment, it’s the most effective method of appealing to an intended audience. However, there is a lot more to an advertisement than meets the eye. There are numerous methods being used in order to appeal to the audience. Corporations and businesses focus on rhetorical appeal when it comes to creating a successful advertisement.
Thus, by creating appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos, companies use advertisements as powerful persuasive tools. This can be done through the careful selection of color, imagery, narration, design, and layout, to name a few significant elements. When used correctly, these rhetorical strategies can make the difference between whether a product or idea is embraced or rejected by the
The commercial appeals to the audience’s pathos more than anything. Animals, especially dogs, have a way of pulling with human heartstrings. “...they can be used to transfer desired meanings to the products with which they are associated” (Phillips 1). In other words, using animals in advertisements can link advertised products to the feelings that are associated