“The most important single ingredient to the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” - Teddy Roosevelt
What is the key to being an effective leader? You will be hard pressed to narrow a list down to one particular asset. What if you could narrow it down to four? That would give you as an aspiring leader tangible areas to develop than can propel your leadership forward. The Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina, studied 105 successful executives and noted these four common characteristics.
1. They took ownership of mistakes rather than blaming others.
2. They were able to get along with a wide variety of people.
3. They had strong interpersonal relationship skills including sensitivity and tactfulness.
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt is the 26th president of the United States. He served for almost two complete terms from 1901 to 1908; one unofficial term, where he was not elected, and one official term. He wanted every citizen to be treated fair and square hence his “square deal.” He used his executive power to address problems both at home and abroad. He was a nationalist and imperialist who transformed the United States into a global power. Teddy supported Progressivism, labor reforms, civil service and social reforms, and labor movements. He used his strong executive power to promote morality and social change, which made him one of the most well-liked and vigorous presidents. His reforms struck down corrupt, big businesses controlled by the wealthy few and fought corruption to help the disadvantaged poor by improving working conditions and worker compensation. The government
Effective leaders opt to implement a specific type of leadership style as a result of their personalities and job experiences, and apply it to their organizational structure. However, that particular type of leadership style a leader utilizes may not apply to every job situation (Peak et al., 2010). In order to be an effective leader, an individual must acquire the three basic leadership skills and they are as follows: (1) human relations; (2) conceptual skills; and (3) technical skills (Haberfeld, 2013). Additionally, a skillful leader must also be proficient in motivating, communicating, and problem solving (Hess & Orthmann, 2012).
What made Theodore Roosevelt such a great president and person? Many people aspire to be like him, but he sets a high bar for humanity. He is in many people's opinions one of the greatest presidents of the United States, so incredible that his face is set in stone and will be for hundreds of years in the future.
President Theodore Roosevelt is one of the most widely respected and popular figures in history. From his childhood to adulthood, he is an example of great courage, strength, perseverance and success. He once said, “The only man who never makes mistakes is a man who never does anything.” Despite having a very weak body as a child, he never gave up on himself nor his dreams. He was quite the role model for civilians during his time and even today. As the only president from New York City, his childhood home is in downtown Manhattan. It is obvious that he lead a very wealthy life with a loving family. His parents were very supportive and raised their children in an intellectually stimulating environment. For
would be Theodore Roosevelt was a president, father, hunter, author, and war hero. He played all these roles utilizing his hard work, integrity, and optimism that drove him to transform America. Theodore, nicknamed Teddy, made one of the greatest impacts on the United States by taking actions to reform the way people lived and ensure a successful future for the country. Teddy solved problems, and today’s problems, like global warming, is something that Teddy could solve based on his life experience and familiarity with similar situations.
To be an effective leader who can recruit, hire, support their staff, one must have various skills and leadership styles. Having a visionary leadership style
The 26th president of the United States was unexpectedly promoted into the presidency following the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. In 1899, Roosevelt gave a speech laying out a citizen’s responsibility to the nation. How willing was Roosevelt to live up to those same standards? What was Roosevelt’s vision for our nation? Roosevelt up to this point had already achieved an impressive list of accomplishments as a Harvard graduate, rancher, soldier, New York Governor and Assistant Secretary of the Navy. As
Historians and scholars have often debated the success and failures of Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency since 1945. A number of scholars argue that he created jobs, boosted the economy, and helped America get back onto the road of becoming a great nation. On the other hand, it can be argued that his plans and ideas to create jobs only lasted for the short term and his acts created long-term problems. This paper will discuss Roosevelt’s life, his reforms, and both the positive or negative outcome those actions had on America. However, it must be stated, for the struggles America was going through, and the perseverance they held to triumph over their trials, was in part due to Roosevelt’s boundless leadership as president. Franklin Delano
Americans have become used to politicians who will not go against their party’s line. Instead of having numerous free thinking elected officials who come together to ensure the welfare of society, we have two parties that control almost everything. This was not how Theodore Roosevelt led our country. He was a visionary and ethical leader. This paper explains why by describing Theodore Roosevelt’s use of visionary leadership to protect America’s natural resources by being an emotionally flexible leader and using his inspirational motivation. Theodore Roosevelt was an Ethical Leader because he put service before self by resigning from the position of Assistant Secretary of the Navy to fight in the Spanish American War and was a free thinker who went against his party to protect the welfare of society. Theodore Roosevelt has personal relevance in my development as a leader by modeling service before self and allowing me to see how I can improve my inspirational motivation. In order to understand Theodore Roosevelt as a leader, you should first know the impact of his visionary leadership.
It takes a lot to be a leader. It takes experience, communication, positivity, passion, and much more to be an effective leader. Communication, positivity, and passion are the three most important characteristics to me. I represent all three of these with great pride. I communicate effectively whether it be in the classroom, on
For me to be an effective leader, I must first evaluate my strengths. I took the Gallup 2.0 Strength Finder report which showed my strengths in an insight and action planning guide. The results indicated the top five themes for me were input, learner, responsibility, maximizer and arranger. I believe the
In my reflections as I prepared to write this paper, I came to the realization that leadership is much more complex especially since the paper requires that I focus on a few traits. In an effort to make it simple, I wrote down the traits that came to mind and in process had over 10 important traits but an even bigger challenge was on how to narrow them down to 3 or 4 and this is the place that required a good deal of reflection. Eventually, however, I had to prioritize them since in any case; it is not possible to get a leader that has all the traits. As I thought of the various leaders who have inspired me, I noticed that while they strived to provide the best leadership by focusing on their strong points, they still had their weaknesses. To me this provided a justification for at least identifying key desirable traits and thereafter working to improve them. I did manage to settle on four traits, which for me are indispensible if a leader or a leadership is to become effective.
An effective leader is someone who is passionate about their goals and knows how to motivate, inspire, and influence others to come together and work as one to reach a common goal and conduct compelling and important changes. The realization of some kind of qualitative or quantitative result because of the actions and influences of an organizations leader is essentially how to evaluate their effectiveness. The characteristics of effectiveness, of course, depend on the goals of the leader and the organization. The fundamental characteristics of what makes an effective leader are mostly universal, however, the characteristics of leader effectiveness from one organization to another may have unique
Leadership is something that we are all born with because we are all born. Therefore, who is a leader and who is not depends on who really wants to be a leader and who does not. Leadership is a skill and so it can be learned. As anything that is learned it demands practice and practice to be the best. It would not be something that will happen in a matter of a day. There are multiple elements that make a leader. Collaboration is a key element for successful teamwork. Therefore, a leader must always be in the look for ways to foster collaboration. Creating trust within the team, support face-to-face collaboration, transfer responsibilities when making decisions, and ultimately teach other how to be leaders. All of this is not done if it is not done from the bottom of your own heart.
For decade’s individuals, companies, and organizations have spent an unprecedented amount of money on researching, molding, modeling and working to define what a leader is and what characteristics make successful leaders. Despite all the research, there is not a quick answer or even full agreement as to what makes an individual an effective leader. The definition of a leader is “someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority.” (Robbins, Decenzo, Coulter, 2015. P.370)