A teen activist is trying to change the world, but have you ever thought how they get their message out.
Alex Lin was one teen activist who saw a problem in e-waste.He was reading an article from the wall street journal, and he saw that there was an e-waste tsunami to come. In the article, it said that Americans discarded more than 112,000 computers daily, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.Even worse, just 18 percent of discarded televisions and computer products were collected for recycling.To stop this he created team W.I.N, {Westerly Innovations Network}.He worked with Metech International to hold a recycling program for e-waste and they collected 21,000 pounds of E-Waste.Then his team saw that it was easier to refurbish the electronics than to recycle them.He worked with his school district to put refurbishing
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She was badly injured.Then a helicopter came and airlifted her to a military hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan.A few days later she was sent to a hospital in Birmingham, UK.When she woke up their was a global support for Malala.Then she started to write her book “I am Malala” and she also went to New York to speak at the United Nations.Also in 2014, she got the Nobel peace prize for starting the Malala Fund.Since then she has been fighting for girls'
Have you heard of an Activist? An activist is a person who wants to make the world a better place. But have you heard of a teen activist? A teen activist is a teen who has an idea to change the world to make it a better place. This essay is about how these three teen activist cared about the environment and the people.
Activists are people who speak up for rights or demands no matter what, even when they are threatened, some are older and some are younger.The three teen activist that are in this essay are Rowan Blanchard and Malala Yousafzai .They are helping kids and teens with difficulties they have, like bullying, education and human rights.
Have you ever fought for something that you wanted for a good cause, and you had to do be courageous and brave to do it? Will have you? Will I know somebody her name is Malala Yousafzai she was a young girl that fought for a education against the Taliban. And for that she got shot by the Taliban in the back of the head, but lucky survived, and know she is speaking up against the Taliban for girls education. Malala Yousafzai was born July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan.
After a five-hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet but she had developed an infection so doctors decided to put her in a coma; that way Malala could fly to England for better care. Dr. Fiona and Dr. Javid were in Pakistan at the time and they asked for advice. They told the Pakistani doctors that Malala wouldn’t survive unless she was moved to a better hospital. So they flew her in a private jet offered by the United Arab Emirates to Birmingham, England. There she recovered. The Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai to silence her. Instead the whole world was listening to her message now. People all over the world were praying for her to recover. Many celebrities and politicians wished her a speedy recovery such as, Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, Madonna, and The president of Pakistan. Malala is later released from the hospital and now lives in Birmingham with her family. She later is asked to talk in the United Nations and she receives the Nobel Peace
The Black youth is over represented at every stage in the United States juvenile justice system. Ten years ago, Black youth were more than two times more likely to have a delinquency case before the juvenile court than white youth. Dr. Shook and Dr. Goodkind examined three possible avenues to prove if black youth, are more likely to be detained than similarly situated white youth. “Three possible avenues have begun to be examined—the first is related to youths’ attitude and character as assessed by justice system personnel, the second is related to judgments about adequate parental supervision and/or school and work involvement, and the third is related to what some have called ‘‘justice by geography.’’ To conclude Dr. Shook’s and Goodkind findings, Black youth are treated
Teen activists are kids who not only want to make a difference, but are brave enough to try. Teen activists are kids that do whatever they can to help the world. They are compassionate for those less fortunate, they befriend those who are in need of help, and they try to have more people to come and help. Teen activists all have one more thing in common to become a teen activist, either the activist has had personal struggles, seen someone or something have personal struggles, or they read an article.
Once she was released from the hospital after she was shot, she began attending a school in Birmingham, “But she has continued her campaign and taken it around the world. A fund set up in her name helps children in education around the world.” (Profile: Malala Yousafzai – BBC News)
Malala was rushed to a military hospital for medical treatment. She was later transferred to another Pakistani hospital, where she continued to receive care. It was here that she was given a 70% chance of survival. After her stay in Pakistani hospitals over the period of six days, Malala was flown to the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham, England.
He wasn’t alone, with his friends he helps reduce E-wasting. When he was older He's successfully lobbied the Rhode Island state legislature to ban the dumping of electronics. Alex Lin is fighting against the e-waste problem. Alex is using protesting and fliers to achieve his goal of making e-waste dumping Illegal.
Malala was a special girl. She lived in Mingora, Pakistan, where it eventually was controlled by Taliban. She attended a school that her father founded which was taken away by the laws against education for girls that the Taliban was creating to destroy. In the year of 2009, she became a blogger for BBC to talk about the horror of the control that the Taliban were achieving. But on the same year, she was threatened was eventually shot in the head by a Taliban. It was an ordinary day and “Malala was sitting in her school bus when a man climbed on board and demanded to know “Which one of you is Malala?” When she answered, “I am Malala”, the man opened fire” (Kennedy- Macfoy). However she survived the bullet and actually gave one of the biggest messages ever, education for all girls. No one knew should would live and will make a change on the gender roles towards education, especially the Tailban who thought they have gotten away of the assassination. She gave a lot of speeches towards this powerful disapproval of women education and to create a stand that women deserve the right to education themselves. As her ideas and message became to spread, “she became one of the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize” (Kettler). She also got her own day called Malala day on July 12, 2015 where she continued to take action on women education and with Malala funds she was able to open a school in Lebanon. Malala became a symbol over the education for girls and the disagreement towards gender
The Taliban issued death threats against her because she was fighting for girls rights to an education. On October 9, 2012 a gunman shot her in the head on her way home from school. After she survived, she gave speeches and still remained to fight for girls education rights. The Taliban kept giving her warnings but she still fought for what she believed in. Malala’s speeches and her never giving up helped her be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. She didn’t win but in 2014 she was nominated again and won. Malala still lives and succeeded in getting girls rights to an
When you choose to classify teenagers in the 1950’s, whether by class or gender, each groups are different than one another but some individuals have the same struggle that can make them similar to each other. Each group, no matter how dissimilar they were in backgrounds and behavior, each contained the same struggle that they had to deal within that time. In the film Rebel Without a Cause, we are exposed to three different teens who each had a different struggle they were dealing with that unified them to one another. In the beginning of the movie we get an idea of how teens were portrayed in the time period as rebellious and troublesome. As the story line continues we are taken from the portrayal that the teens were given and go into
Now you’re probably wondering, what is teen activism anyway? Well, teen activism is when young people express themselves in order to make a change for the better. For example, think of Malala Yousafzai. Since I will be writing about her next, I won't go into full on detail mode. Anywho, she started a fund called the Malala Fund to help kids, but especially girls to be able to have an education. Now that you know what teen activism is, let’s look at some teen activist.
Teen activism plays an important role in helping to solve the issues in our world. When teen activists see a problem, they do whatever they can to try and fix it . An essential part of teen activism is gaining support for a cause. Therefore, teen activists talk to their families, friends and others, such as
“E-waste is a growing problem in our country and the rest of the world. Approximately 20 million computers were obsolete in 1998 and less than 15 percent of the computers are recycled. Policies regarding e-waste may differ at the federal and state level, but e-waste policies should create, and hopefully, ensure safety and prevent calamity.”