
Story Of A Teen Activist: Alex Lin

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A teen activist is trying to change the world, but have you ever thought how they get their message out.

Alex Lin was one teen activist who saw a problem in e-waste.He was reading an article from the wall street journal, and he saw that there was an e-waste tsunami to come. In the article, it said that Americans discarded more than 112,000 computers daily, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.Even worse, just 18 percent of discarded televisions and computer products were collected for recycling.To stop this he created team W.I.N, {Westerly Innovations Network}.He worked with Metech International to hold a recycling program for e-waste and they collected 21,000 pounds of E-Waste.Then his team saw that it was easier to refurbish the electronics than to recycle them.He worked with his school district to put refurbishing …show more content…

She was badly injured.Then a helicopter came and airlifted her to a military hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan.A few days later she was sent to a hospital in Birmingham, UK.When she woke up their was a global support for Malala.Then she started to write her book “I am Malala” and she also went to New York to speak at the United Nations.Also in 2014, she got the Nobel peace prize for starting the Malala Fund.Since then she has been fighting for girls'

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