The use of city mandated curfews on teenagers are ineffective. A curfew only used at a city level is very small and harbors no effect on teenagers. Its complete obsolete properties do absolutely no effect. Teenagers who live in a curfews mandated city will just simply just be more clever past curfew hours. City police officers would be unable to carry out curfews. Several teenagers appear to be much older then they are, even more so in the cover of night. There are also several adults who might be falsely accused if they appear younger. A city mandated curfew for teenagers should not be enforced because it is ineffective and it is the parents responsibility to enact a curfew. Firstly, city mandated curfews on teenagers are ineffective, because they …show more content…
Teenagers are also very clever and smart individuals. They could come up with several ways of evading police. They could print of a false ID, stay away from police patrolled areas, appear to look older, etc. Teenagers also outnumber police officers, and could just overwhelm police officers. Police officers would also be wasting rescores try to track down teenagers instead of actual criminals. This extreme waste of resources would be very detrimental. Some people in apposition to this paper say that a city mandated curfew could be a strong deterrent to teenagers staying out late. The counterclaim to that is that it wouldn't be a deterrent, because several teenagers hold no respect for authority. All of these reasons and specific examples support this view that a city mandated curfew for teenagers should not be enforced because it is ineffective. Secondly, a city mandated curfew for teenagers should not be enforced because it is the parents responsibility to enact a curfew. The parents of the child should be held reasonable to enact curfews. it should not be the cities responsibility to make sure teenagers are off the street. If parents do not discipline their children then that is not the responsibility
Vanity is a human instinct, we want to be seen as great people. This is the reason admitting your wrongdoings is difficult because it may change your appearance in the community. In the famous tragedy, The Crucible, by playwright Arthur Miller, there are many unfair trials, thus, false confessions play a large role. The Crucible is a play based on the Salem witch trials, where individuals are falsely accused of witchcraft and are brought in front of strict judges for corrupt trials. The result: innocent people being hanged to death, unless they confessed. The protagonist, John Proctor, decided not to confess, so he was hanged. However, John Proctor made three confessions with good intent, which were
Many teenagers have a set time they have to be home by their parents. Usually teenagers must be home from dates and nights out with friends by anywhere from 10 o’clock at night to 2 o’clock in the morning. Each parent has extremely different curfews set for their children, based on the individual level of responsibility and trust levels. Some local government decides to set their own curfews, to keep teens off the streets at night and out of trouble. Many people argue whether this actually solves anything, or is even legal to do, since it is taking away a piece of teenager’s freedom. Although there are many good and bad points to enforcing curfews, they should be less enforced because they do not necessarily keep teens out of trouble,
A lot of teenagers argue that obeying curfews really affects them because they get in troubles. Curfews do not guarantee that teenagers will fully stay out of trouble. Teen curfews do not reduce or take away from juvenile crime (“Teen Curfews Should Not Be Supported “). Some teens feel that when a parent sets a curfew, they don’t fully trust their kids all the way. Whether teenagers have a curfew or not, they can get in just as much trouble in the day time as they can get into in the night time.
I believe that imposing youth's curfews is not the best plan for stopping youths from getting involved in illegal activities. Besides, the America constitutional law allows for freedom of movement of people whenever they want to, implementing youth curfew is more of an abuse of rights practice rather than crime prevention practice. Personally, I would not apply youth curfews; this is because youth curfews limit individual time to learn, invest on important issues regarding their lives. Youth curfews cause more harm than good to the young people, this because during youth curfews, children are only restricted to stay at their home. Unfortunately, no one often bothers about the activities that youths do when left alone at home during curfew
Research shows that curfews don’t lower the crime rate. The cost of a curfew is really expensive so the states wouldn’t be able to spend money on the curfew, unless the minors are really causing a problem. 11 minors have been killed due to night time violence. There was 135 fewer arrest so that shows that curfews do work when they are
Adults/parents think curfews are an perfect idea. Parents/adults think that if they set a curfew for their teen it's gonna prevent them from getting in trouble. They also believe with a curfew, they'll have more time to focus on school and their homework. The past few years parents have been more consistent in giving their teens a curfew that now crime levels have decreased. Also many parents think that curfews are a excellent idea because with a curfew teen
Teenagers are uncertain about their future and actions, and everything they do is due to the influence around them. Over the last 20 years, cities have begun to implement youth curfews, although statistics have shown that law-levied curfews for teenagers have not been effective. Curfews after 10 pm do not reduce crime rates. Additionally, teenage looking for trouble will disrespect the curfew in purpose. Furthermore, curfew fees could lead to an increase in youth crime rates.
Even though curfews keep people out of trouble, many innocent teens get in trouble for being out late; this is so unfair to teens that do not cause problems. Teens will sneak out and do what they want and a curfew won’t stop them. Although many parents let their kids stay out late, they tend to lose trust when their kids get brought home by the police. Many innocent teens get in trouble for being out late when they are not doing anything.
Teenagers live very busy lives because, they are usually involved in a variety of activities. Most teenagers also provide their own transportation for these activities, so a curfew would negatively impact them. Adopting a new curfew for teenagers would interfere with their lives because they may have occupations that require them to work late, be involved in several extracurricular activities, or need to drive at certain hours for emergencies. A majority of teenagers work at some point, whether that is during the summer or during the school year. If they work during the school year, they are most likely working late hours and would need to drive home afterwards. Therefore, the curfew would inhibit their ability to work longer hours as well as, teens who work during the summer
Educators and parents encourage curfews because they believe that students will tend to be more focused on their schoolwork and be more responsible. This may be true, but it is more important to consider other factors like freedom and social activities. Communities may set a curfew that at 5:00 pm students must be focusing on homework. This act of control can make the students more tenacious. It is difficult to instruct some teenagers to conform with the curfew. Most of the teenagers I know and I myself are very likely to do the contrary when curfews are set. In addition, curfews set by communities are not easily to be changed. Also, curfews limit the students' time, which is needed for community service. Thus, communities should not impose curfews on high school students
Some people believe curfews work because people say it helps them stop doing things wrong. However most people like me agree that curfews don’t make since and they don’t help at all from keeping kids away from crime. As White says in this quote, “Youth curfews are neither fair nor effective and will certainly not reduce crime” (White 2). White also states “Youth curfews will increase the conflicts between young people and the police” (White
It is a known fact that juvenile crime has been increasing in the last few years in larger cities, such as New York and Dallas. It has been a topic that is frequently brought up in town meetings and court cases dealing with town safety (Crowell 1). After the citizens demanded for something to be done about the violence and crimes that juveniles are exhibiting. They came to the solution of having teenager curfews that will hopefully decrease the violence and crime in larger cities. Teenager curfews have been found to decrease the number of incidents involving violence and crime in larger cities; however, they make teenagers and children that are affected by the curfew become more rebellious and less likely to follow any rule or law that
Having a teenage curfew is ineffective and useless. Many people argue that the curfews are necessary because it will keep young people out of trouble. They also say that teenagers are more likely to get in trouble late than they would during daylight. Teens are looked at as the age group that causes the most trouble, and society targets them when it comes to matter for crime, however many people believe that teens are responsible for a large percentage of crimes and that having a curfew in effect will help lower crime rates. I disagree with this because I don't think teenagers should be forced to follow a ridged time schedule because of a curfew.
Do you think it’s okay to stay out all night if you’re not causing problems? Do you really think that young teens our out causing problems? The state thinks it’s a problem for children under the age of 18 being out late without superfusion. Police officers say children that are out late are most likely out doing things they not supposed to be doing.Curfew laws shouldn’t be a law because they are unfair to the children that don’t cause problems and know how to act in public. Children shouldn’t be punished for things others are doing.
The laws are treating innocent, law-abiding citizens as criminals. These laws are enforced to stop only a small percent of the community that is acting out with violence, while everyone is getting treated as if they were the ones acting out with violence (“Junior Scholastic” 1). The curfews are not only affecting teenagers but also parents and guardians of the teenagers. If the teenagers get caught being out passed curfew then the parents will get fined for their child breaking the law (Blumner 1). The curfew is also making it hard on other juveniles that are old enough to drive, but are still under the age limit for the curfew. If