
Telemedicine Evaluation

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Monitoring and evaluation will occur in 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after telemedicine goes live. During the evaluation phase, we will monitor patient/provider satisfaction, cost effectiveness, and clinical outcomes. Patient/provider satisfaction will be evaluated through anonymous surveys. Cost effectiveness will be monitored through the marketing officer by creating financial plans and charts which display the budget at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. Clinical outcomes will be based on mortality, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, and patient outcomes. We will also compare outcomes to state and national organizations to verify treatment effectiveness. At the end of every evaluation period, the team will meet and determine if objectives are being met and if objectives require alteration.

Progress evaluation Progress evaluation of the telemedicine project will be consistently reviewed and modified as necessary through each stage of implementation. The initial telemedicine project initiative will be implemented over a 12 month period. One year prior to the go live phase, the project will be proposed to a …show more content…

During the first 30 days, information technology (IT) staff will assist with telemedicine encounters to ensure equipment functions as indicated, as well as meeting with the governing bodies of the project, updating the status, progress, or potential barriers to implementation. During months two through six, staff meetings will be held to discuss progress, questions, financial implications, vendor support, and patient outcomes. Months seven to twelve, meetings will continue with the governing bodies of the project to ensure project sustainability, and possible growth to maintain viability in competitive healthcare

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