As we saw in class, teleworking has its pros and cons, and my point of view is neutral. Mostly because I’m not related to anyone who teleworks nor telework myself, so I might not see it in a positive or negative way.
The main advantage I recall from teleworking is that you get to arrange your schedule as you prefer, and that gives you a lot of flexibility in case you have children or elderly people at home you have to take care of. But, everything has a downside and this is not an exception, so, I think that the said flexibility may originate a decrease in the production or achievements per worker.
Then I want to point out an issue not mentioned in the sheet, and it’s about people with social anxiety or social issues, that can practise whatever
In mid-sized companies such as Q-tel, telecommuting is much more frequently used than work in office. According
Employers allow telecommuting for many reasons, including the ability to recruit better talent, decrease overhead expenses, increase productivity, expand the employee base to include those with disabilities (Anderson, Bricout & West, 2001; Lipin, 2010; Myungjung & So Hee, 2017), and to support
Some reasons to expand remote work includes; saving time, saving money, and reducing resources usage. Employees will have a better work/life balance, have improved productivity, and have the flexibility to schedule work around personal needs. These employee improvements will lead to less stress, better creativity, and higher performance, and better job satisfaction. Allowing more employees to work from home can prevent a future need to expand to larger office spaces.
Telecommuting has been shown to reduce absenteeism, improve retention, and reduce recruitment costs for the organization (Family, pg. 730). Increased employee moral is also a benefit associated with telecommuting (Professional Isolation, pg. 512). Offering this new benefit that is such a satisfier for employees will likely result in reduced turnover within the organization and higher productivity. A study found pubic employees who were satisfied with their telework/telecommuting benefits were less likely to leave their positions (Family pg. 732). With the reduction of office time, an increase in employee productivity is likely due to fewer interruptions from fellow employees (Lessons pg. 10). With telecommuting having benefits to both the employer and employee, this new policy should bring positive results to the
It seems as though my peer's argument is the flexibility of working from home benefits people better. Yes, I feel as though my peer has addressed Opposing Viewpoints. The section of the summary that I need clarity for is her problem. Are you trying to find a way to get work-forces into to telecommuting only? *My problem is finding an effective way to better manage a company’s workforce to increase profitability by implementing alternative flexible work options for their employees. (Johnson, 2017)
It seems that employers are afraid that they will not be able to effectively monitor employees output and have major security concerns when allowing employees to telework. The initial costs of setting up telework to employees may also be a concern for employers.
The definition for telecommuting or telework can be summarized as the process of working from a home environment through electronic methods, utilizing the home
* Everyone is not cut out to be a remote worker. People who are self-starters, savvy with the computer and do not have many distractions are prone to do well with a telecommuting job. When interviewing someone for this position. It should be emphasized that distractions will not be tolerated. Also employees should have a place that is dedicated for their office.
Disadvantages: Elderly may not know how to use computer and the devices, thus Telehealth is useless to them. They still need to
While remote employees appreciate the flexible work environment, reduced stress and other benefits of their telecommuting position, they typically miss out on opportunities for in-office performance reviews, praise and support from supervisor and co-workers. An employee success program lists and tracks goals, monitors performance and gives employees regular feedback.
The aforementioned citation establishes a brief perspicacious perception into the fundamental intention of this module one case assignment. Needless to say, this case assignment will embellish upon both the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting from a human resource (HR) professional angle. In addition to, deliberating upon the added usefulness of telecommuting when recruiting new talent. Likewise, this paper will determine the influence that the telecommuting will have on the overall image of an organization. Lastly, this paper will present some examples of training concerning efficient telecommuting. With that being said, let’s launch this case assignment by exploring the pros and cons of telecommuting.
advantages such as flexible working time, opportunity to work from home and many more. The
In my experience, the staff motivation can increase with reduce their stress and unhealthy lifestyle by working online from home. A study was conducted to determine the ratio of Americans who really liked their jobs. Only 30% of the people surveyed admitted that they liked their jobs and bosses while the remaining 70% didn’t (Kumar,2016). Secondly, parents, especially women who work online allow them to take care of their children while they can earn the good income. Online working helps the staff to feel comfortable by allowing them to see their family which is their responsibility in life. Furthermore, the employer need not stay back till night or bring their tasks home which reduces the family time with their loved ones. The staff will not have to be worried about being late or
Telecommuting, remote work,[1] or telework is a work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work. A person who telecommutes is known as a "telecommuter", "teleworker", and sometimes as a "home-sourced," or "work-at-home" employee. Many telecommuters work from home, while others, sometimes called "nomad workers", use mobile telecommunications technology to work from coffee shops or other locations. According to a Reuters poll, approximately "one in five workers around the globe, particularly employees in the Middle East, Latin America and Asia, telecommute frequently and nearly 10 percent work from home every day".[2] Today, as annual leave or vacation is today seen as absence from the workplace rather than ceasing work, telecommuting is used by office employees to work while on vacation.
Also men take this opportunity to work at home. What are the consequences, the advantages of tele-working? Sure, if you have a family, you can spend more time at home, probably you can spend more time with your children. Next is, that you can organize every day in the way you want to. Meetings at the company are reduced to a minimum. Tele-working is also an advantage for the owner of the company. Official studies substantiate that people who work at home are more motivated than their colleagues at the office. .