
Tell Tale Heart Symbolism

Decent Essays

Many scholars view Poe as one of the greatest writers to live since William Shakespeare. His stories have paved the way for writing horror and suspense stories/films. The poems and tales he has written have been studied since his death. Many of his works have been transformed into blockbuster Hollywood movies such as The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971) and StoneHearst Asylum (2014). Poe has been credited by many producers and screenplay writers for inspiring their works. Two of Poe’s stories are well known for the murders that occur and exposing fears that many people have. In his story, “The Tell Tale Heart”, the narrator tells a story of an old man who lives close to him. This unknown narrator respects the old man and has nothing against …show more content…

The old man’s eye is a great example of this. The eye seems dead and lifeless, yet it makes him get the chills. The eye has such an impact on the narrator that he describes it after he kills the old man, “I then replaced the boards so cleverly, so cunningly, that no human eye--not even his-- could have detected anything wrong.” (par.8). Poe does an excellent job of exposing the fear of sleeping. There are cases where people fear that someone may be watching them sleep and they are vulnerable while they …show more content…

Both killers sought out revenge on their victims. The narrator in “The Tell Tale Heart” believed that the eye was constantly watching him and wanted to get revenge. In “The Cask of Amontillado”, Montressor wanted revenge due to alleged comments made by Fortunato that he felt insulted him. He states, “I must not only punish but punish with impunity.”(par.1) As their motives are the same, they both share their own differences. Author Dan Shen states, “It appears that the narrator in “The Tell Tale Heart” suffers from a psychological disorder. There are times when he states that he can hear things others cannot hear.” Montressor did not mention any psychological disorders. He felt insulted and the only way to feel better was to kill

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