One of television’s favorite depictions of the four temperaments in the show Sex and the City. Each of the four main characters depicts one of the tempests. The guardian of the group is Charlotte York. Ones again Montgomery makes a pop culture reference to keep the reader intrigued and related. (Montgomery, 2011) Guardians are helpmates in relationships. They are loyal, dependable, hardworking, and giving. Guardians are also the most social of the temperaments. Settling down and getting married comes as a relief to most Guardians. An example of a guardian mate portrayal in a film is Mae Braddock in Cinderella Man. Guardian tend to gravitate toward artisans. We saw this parring in Lady and the Tramp. Guardians can be in a relationship with
In their neighborhood, there are people who are looking to make trouble. Therefore the guardians watch other people who may be dangerous for their children’s safety and well being.
Boxing is a sport where the will to win is just as important as the strength to win. James J. Braddock had this will to win which is expertly portrayed by Russell Crow in Ron Howard’s Cinderella Man. Braddock symbolized the nation’s unwillingness to give in to the terrible times during The Great Depression and its fight to remain standing.
The archetype of the loyal companion or sidekick is a very important factor in literature. This archetype is viewed by society as a character who is always by the hero’s side throughout the story. One example of this loyal companion or sidekick archetype would be the goddess Athena from Homer’s The Odyssey. In The Odyssey, Athena acts as a loyal companion to Odysseus, helping him through some of his most perilous situations.
The film Cinderella Man was about a boxer name James Braddock and his struggles through the great depression. Through boxing Braddock gave hope to the people who faced the great depression just as he did. He gave them a type of hope that nurtured them to thinking that they would persevere through the hardship just as he did with his boxing career. From an audience perspective this film earned a 5 out of 5 stars rating because director Ron Howard served his purpose well by not only developing a boxing film that did not just only acknowledge the perseverance about the sport side of things. The director Howard showed adversity and many aspects in the film such as Braddock’s struggles with his wife, kids, career, and friends. In essence Howard was able to incorporate how the great depression played a magnificent role in everything that occurred.
Hi Nhung, I like that before you started analyzing which character archetypes are in the film, you gave a summary of the movie. This makes it so that whoever reads your response, have an understanding of the film. I agree with your point that, “Cinderella is the innocent archetype because she always get bullied by her stepmother and stepsisters.” This is true that she is innocent because most people would defend themselves when they get hurt, but Cinderella does nothing about it and continues to take the harassment. Also, it is interesting that she fits into the innocent character archetype because about every Disney Princess fits into the same category.
The threshold guardian in Twilight most of the characters in the movie go to is Dr.Carlisle. This mentor is the person that Edward goes to for help or advice since he is one of the wisest characters in the movie. Edward and his family, The Cullens, help Bella from the bad guys (Vampires). So basically to draw the key point on who the threshold guardians are it would be the Cullens are Edwards Mentor because they're giving him ways to keep Bella to safety.
Cinderella Man is a famous, nonfiction film that was directed by Ron Howard and produced in 2005. The timing of the production of this film can strike as interesting, and maybe even odd; this is because the film begins in the times of the roaring 20’s, when the United States experienced a peak in economic successes. However, the 20’s is not the only developed time period, rather, it is the 30’s that most of the action in the film protagonists’ story will take place. Jim Braddock, a well known, wealthy, married man takes the lead position to show audiences the first-hand impact that the Great Depression had on families of all backgrounds. Braddock's riches-to-rags-to-riches story has inspired the value behind family and hard work and brought hope to his neighbors and fans who found themselves also struggling to find work and pay their bills during one of the greatest the economic downturns in history.
The movie Cinderella Man is a biographical film of boxer James J. Braddock that illustrates his struggle through the Great Depression. Movies often exaggerate the suffering of the Great Depression or just gloss over it, but Cinderella Man accurately shows the prevailing attitude of the time through the facial expressions of the actors and the obstacles they overcome. In the film, the people on the street and in the crowd in the boxing arenas appear worried and never smile. The only time that people appear happy is while watching the excitement of a boxing match. This shows how important sporting events like boxing were to a public which had very little to cheer about. In a time when few people had television sets in their houses, listening to a boxing match on the radio let people imagine the fights through their own interpretations in their heads. The movie correctly shows how boxing was a temporary shelter from the suffering for many.
An example of this is evident is The Odyssey, when Athena, one of Odysseus’s strongest supporters among the court of gods, takes it upon herself to guide Telemachus, Odysseus’s son, to sail and look for his father. Here, Athena literally introduces herself to Telemachus as ‘Mentor,’ and it is believed that this is where the term came from. She guided and convinced Telemachus to take a
I can relate to all of the characteristics related to being a guardian. I take pride in my dependability, helpfulness, and am very hard-working. I also feel that I am a very loyal mate to my husband, and responsible parent, and stable leader. I am extremely cautious and focused on credentials and traditions, and I do seek security.
After April's stay at the Dions family, she has moved to a farmhouse family very far away, called the DeRoiser family south in Winnipeg. Here, she was treated like a slave and was mentally and physically distraught. The following lines In the novel relate to the Work song in Cinderella, “She left me instructions to wash the floors and the clean the bathroom after I finished the breakfast dishes. (Moisonier 39). In the dramatization of Cinderella, the work song includes the following, “ Night and day it's Cinderelly/ Make the fire, fix the breakfast / Wash the dishes, do the mopping” (The Work Song Lyrics).
This movie took place September 25. 1933 which was four years into the Great Depression. The first impression I got was he was a happy man, was rich and made enough money from wrestling, I was wrong. His family included a wife, a daughter, and two sons. They lived in a run down apartment and didn't have enough money to pay for bills and there milk payment was past due. The daughter, Ariel woke up one morning and wanted breakfast she ate and was still hungry the father convinced her he was full and gave her his breakfast. I could tell by the time this movie is based on because of the music, there clothing, and the style of the town. The father, Jim was trying to get a job and there was many men at the fence trying to
Guardians are observant and cooperative. Seeking security and belonging, they are concerned with responsibility and duty. Guardians have four types which is Supervisor, Inspector, provider and Protector. Guardian’s greatest strength is logistics. They excel at organizing, facilitating, checking, and supporting. This is so close to my personality.
Cinderella is a fairytale for children that displayed love, loss and miracles; however, when it is further analyzed, it has a deeper meaning. Cinderella is a story about a young girl who became a servant in her own home after her father remarried a malicious woman with two spoiled daughters. She was humiliated and abused yet she remained gentle and kind. She received help from her fairy godmother to go to the prince’s ball after her stepmother rejected her proposal. Cinderella and the Prince fell madly in love but she had to leave at twelve o’clock and forgot to tell him her name but she left her glass slipper behind. He sent his servants to find her and Cinderella was the only maiden in the kingdom to fit into the shoes. She
The story that most of us know as “Cinderella” actually has a lot of different versions. These different versions contain several elements that are similar, but yet even more elements that differ from one another. The three main difference between all the different versions of this story are the characters, how others treat the main character, and the setting in which these stories take place.