Task 2
Leadership Style
Melissa McCandless-Girdner
Western Governors University
January 15, 2017
For this task, I completed Seven Habits Profile. Stephen Covey first published the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in 1989. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is by now one of the best-selling books of all time. (Smith, Hadjian) The profile measures across nine categories. The scores ranged from one, very poor, to eighteen, outstanding. The Seven Habits Profile is an excellent tool to help understand where you can improve your leadership skills.
The first category measured was for my emotional bank account. The emotional bank account is a metaphor for the amount of trust that exists in both your
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This will help me be able to accomplish my goals for the week, and keep me on track for my lifetime goals.
The fifth category was put things first. This was one of my weaker categories with a score of eleven. I need to work on not being distracted by time wasters and becoming procrastinated. Another area I need to work on is make sure my everyday activities will help me achieve my long-term goals.
The sixth category was think win-win. I scored very high in this category with a score of eighteen. I believe I scored very high in this category because of my optimism. I truly want to help others succeed their goals. I always look for the best possible outcome for everyone when resolving conflict. One way that I could improve this is to set guidelines on internet browsing time, which would help me not become easily distracted.
Seek first to understand was the seventh category. I scored an eighteen in this category as well. I feel like this was my strongest category. I do care about other’s feelings as well as how they think. I feel like I have a strong sense of empathy. I believe that when I listen to others, I try to understand how they feel and how they think. I believe understanding the feelings and thoughts of others, makes me a stronger leader.
The eighth category was synergize. I scored a fifteen in this category. I do strive to reach and learn from others, I believe that as an effective leader and
Immediately, I continued to the next part of the Self-assessment section, values. The three options I most valued were altruism/helping society, creativity, and helping others. These values emphasize results I have found in previous sections. I truly value being someone who helps others and
In the first chapter of the “American Indians, American Justice,” the two authors Vine Deloria, Jr. and Clifford M. Lytle, try to explain the American Indians contemporary life realities by studying the historical context of the legislations and laws concerning them, since the new Europeans settlers came and until now. The chronological examination of laws put into light the controversial relations between Americans and indigenous people and explain how the Indian dilemma was treated by Americans through time. The chapter is divided into six parts, each part runs for a defined period, and all the paragraphs rely in a way that each one is represented as a consequence of what happened in the last paragraph and a cause of what takes place
Chapter 7 discusses Covey 's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Using this model, argue for "doing your duty" (what you "have to" do) vs. initiating new ideas (see attachment) such as product service innovation, improve account/client services, operations/process improvements, and influencing your boss to make helpful changes. Identify at least 3 specific habits you will change that might make an impact on your boss (or higher levels) in your organization?
The easiest category to mark was my race. I have always been a caucasian/ white and that is very evident to everyone who sees me. Race has always been a well fought over thing in our culture and the pros and cons to being white have also been very evident. It was easy to rank because it is an outward appearance so people are able to see it and judge me by it. I do not think my race is that big of a deal which is why I ranked it at a 3. I have never thought of my race as making an impact on my success but instead it was because I worked hard to achieve many things. Race was the easiest category for me to mark.
Having many values in my life, the assessment found three that stood out to me. Favorably, I am accustomed to helping others. If I see someone struggling with tasks or comprehension, I always try to help them understand. I can remember when I was a toddler how creative I was. I would often fill my days with telling my family stories and making up songs that my imagination couldn’t hold on to. Being 21 now, creativity has still been a major key factor in success. Thinking of ways to improve computer programs at work is part of the creativity. Being stable is the most important to me. Being without a job, a car, and money, are all key factors that could possibly hold me back from not having a successful career.
Total points: 290/300 (270=A- This is only for reference. It does not affect your grade!)
I did not have access to all of the needed information, but my assessment produced the following scores: Leadership 60; Strategic Planning 43; Customer and Market Focus 55; Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 59; Human Resource Focus
If practiced, the 7 habits Stephen and Sean Covey referred in their books will make the readers able to control their lives, to do more in fewer time, improve relationships with other people, improve self confidence, rehab from addiction, be happy, find the balances between the time for
I chose Liberty University for its combination of a nurturing, Christian atmosphere and its advanced, up-to-date resources. These positive attributes extend to the Honors Program with the addition of a challenging academic curriculum. I am in pursuit of the best version of myself and that version is at the Liberty Honors Program. Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, as the title suggests, outlines exactly what one needs to do to be an effective person. I hope to gain each of these seven habits from an Honors Program Education at Liberty University: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergy, and sharpen the saw.
Immigration has been a major topic since the beginning of the United States of America. This phenomenon is what helped the establishment of this country; and even today it continues to have an impact in in most aspects of the lives of North American’s. The subject has also brought much criticism and created divided opinions about its immediate and long term impact. Migration itself it’s not a problem, but the modern dilemma of who is allowed to migrate and reside permanently in a country “legally.” It is interesting to explore this subject under three basic theories that Sociology deals with: symbolic interactionism, conflict theory and social functionalism. Each theory brings us closer to understand some of the reasons why “illegal immigration” is controversial today. The purpose of this paper is not to persuade but to explore and expose some ideas on a recurrent social issue.
lIn “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey helps people become more effective when dealing with the significant challenges of life. In details, Stephen Covey provides guidelines for managing time and balancing studies, social life, job, and other priorities. The first three habits are focused on personal victories. They teach how to develop self-mastery and dependence. Those three habits are: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, and Put First Things First. Habits four, five, and six address interdependence, the success in working with others. Habit four: Think Win-Win, habit five: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, and habit six: Synergize. The seventh habit: Sharpen the Saw, talks about building
In the self-improvement book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents an integrated and principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional issues and problems. Covey uses real life examples as well as his own experience to reveal a step-by-step way for living with integrity, honesty, and self-respect. In the book he explains principles that give someone the comfort to adapt to change and the wisdom to take control and full advantage of the opportunities that the business world and personal lives create. This book seems very useful and I found a few habits that I plan to adopt and work at including in my everyday life. They are basic things in everyday life that can make things easier, more
I know for certainty that this is a habit I desperately need to acquire because mostly everything that I do is based on urgency. I always feel like I 'm working with unreasonable deadlines. I know that I 'll be more effective and productive once I 've been able to prioritize my tasks based on importance rather than urgency.
Stephen R. Covey’s self-help book is an influential communication for personal change. He advises building from the inside-out and offers a plan for moving from dependence to independence and then to interdependence. The inside-out approach starts first with one self, which includes paradigms, characters, and motivations. To improve relationships with others, we have to first improve ourselves by putting character ahead of personality.
After receiving feedback from part one assessment I realized that I had included too many big ideas and need to focus on only four. So, after looking at all my big ideas I decided to narrow it down to two big ideas from values and attitudes along with two big ideas from knowledge and understanding.