
Ten Key Concepts

Decent Essays

During the first half of this semester, I have started to get familiar and engage with the ten key concepts introduced at the beginning of the semester. The two concepts that I have been actively engaged in the most are “curiosity and inquiry” and “critical reading”. In my opinion, the concept of curiosity and inquiry has become the main focus point for me. This key concept was first introduced to me during Blog Post #1, when I had to figure out what I am personally curious about, “I’m also curious about nuclear technologies, and how nuclear power plants and nuclear medical application work” (Blog Post #1). The curiosity of nuclear technologies has led to me to further research on the topic, and even allowed me to come up with an interesting inquiry question for my research project, “How could we develop sustainable nuclear technologies in the US?” This little assignment has sparked my interest into something I have never thought of and allowed me to familiarize with the concept of “curiosity and inquiry” during this semester. …show more content…

In my Blog Post #1, I mentioned how this concept seems to be challenging to me. However, through blog posts, reader response letters, and analyzing other students’ work, I have actively been engaged in the concept of critical reading on a weekly basis to familiarize myself with this key concept. An example of this is the first reader response letter, when I had to analyze and interpret a variety of short readings, “In ‘Being Curious,’ I can relate to the author because he exclaims that being curious can help you solve problems faster and easier” (RRL #1). These assignments have led to me to think critically and analyze material to provide connection in my writing; therefore, these assignments gave me the opportunity to actively engage in the key concept of critical

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