The essay “Ten Ways to Think About Writing” shows me numerous different components that involved in writing an exceptional paper. Even though there are various factors to a paper, students make writing harder than it should be by, as my Calculus teacher says, “Work smart, not hard.” In the essay, it is mentioned that an exceptional way to compose an excellent paper is to find a subject you are passionate about. In my writing, I usually do not take into account what audience will be reading my papers, but this essay helped me to adapt to the people reading my papers. Oftentimes, from the papers I wrote last year, one criticism I received was that the points of my paper were unclear and all jumbled together, but now that I have read this essay,
Everybody has their own methods for writing; however, I believe there is always room for improvement. Chapter 3 in Everyone’s an Author has shown me that writing involves processes that need to be mastered through constant practice. It also revealed helpful tips on how to develop writing processes that can help write effective papers.
Personally, from the class of English 1101, I have learned on how to use the writing processes effectively, where the first step is to have a pre-write, which focuses on brainstorming ideas form either the group or from individuals’ brain for the required topic. The second phase of the process is the thesis statement, which is the primary idea of the entire essay. I discovered that the thesis statement should be persuasive and truthful. The third step is on developing drafts, where it showed me on how to focus on content, organization, and style. Again, I noted that I must ask myself who is my audience, and what do they want or need to hear.
Cynthia, I agree with what you say about knowing who your audience is important. I think when you're writng a paper and you know your audience it will helpp you write your essay alot faster. Knowing your audeince in writing helps because you can understand what type of style you should be using, because if you are writing in a childrens magazaine you are not going to use large words that they wouldnt understand. And if you are writing in a newspaper for adults you are going to try and impress your readers with large and vivid vocabulary to keep them interested in what you're trying to explain.
Dan Melzer, a former student at Florida State University, discusses a few approaches to succeeding as a writer in “Understanding Writing Assignments: Tips and Techniques.” Melzer addresses seven methods to do well as a writer; whether that be in school or the workplace. To shortly summarize the tips, Melzer explores ways that students can help themselves by using their resources. Also, by analyzing the questions and instructions that a teacher asks of the class. He goes on to say that it is also important for the writer to figure out who the audience is. This will ultimately determine the writing style. Basically, if the writer is aware of the audience then he/she will execute the writing assignment differently than if he/she were to just make assumptions of who
As I look back into my high school years, I thought I wrote papers well. But then coming into a college environment, my papers were mediocre. By overlooking at my past papers, I found that they were unorganized, sloppy and had bad use of diction. From now on, I will use the tools I learned in English 1100-40 as a foundation for the future papers I intend on writing in college. Following the criteria of organizing ideas so that they flow, impacting the reader with diction and also by being creative, will help become an ideal writer. Following the criteria of staying motivated in short and long term goals, taking responsibility for actions and finally the ability to study well will help me develop into a supreme student.
After reading “The 12-Step Program to Good Writing” by Michael Gartner, my journalistic knowledge has been expanded and molded all thanks to a journalistic legend. However some of the knowledge came as a surprise. For example, in the second step, Gartner said to read everything including trash. I was taken back because I thought reading an awfully written piece would teach me to write like that. Yet his reasoning proved that it teaches you to identify why that piece is so awful, so you won’t make the same mistake. The second piece of advice I found shocking was in step seven which is to experiment. As a journalist, I thought you were supposed to have the same writing formulas for all articles, but Gartner begs to differ. He taught me to try
I did not have a firm writing philosophy before this semester, but I to some degree I understood the importance writing can have on a situation. Now I understand that writing has two outcomes: gaining support or losing support. When writing an essay it is best if the writing is as specific as possible. This way the audience is hopefully not left with a confused opinion about the topic. Since the beginning of the semester I have put a conscious effort to change my writing style. Instead of the box format that is learned in high school I try to use a more graceful approach while still being organized. Also, I evaluate the credibility of a source before I use the information to support my thesis and understand the roles of using ethos,
It is essential to understand that classes taken in grade school do not give students a full understanding of each subject. With the topic of writing, there will always be a new lesson to learn, an aspect to improve, or a differing way to explain. Author Craig Vetter states in Bonehead Writing, “This is your enemy: a perfectly empty sheet of paper. Nothing will ever happen here except what you make happen.” Each story, essay, or response comes from a writer’s experiences. With each attempt at a new piece comes an underlying story of emotions the writer is facing. Each person’s writing is unique and the ideas people have are related to their past experiences and what they believe to be familiar with when deciding which writing style to use. As a high school student, I have learned many things about writing that helped me become the improved writer I am today, but the most essential advice I have received is practice makes perfect. Although there is no actual perfect way of writing, I have discovered that each essay I write, my writing improves. It is easier to spot mistakes, find areas to improve, and ponder elevated word choice to use.
Over the past year I had a chance to develop a deeper understanding of what it takes to develop successful paper. Taking English 1010 was a great experience because it prepares students on becoming better writers through college life. Even though this is my second year in college I was unable to take English 1010 the first year, but taking this class truly show me what college professors are looking for when we are ask to write a successful paper. College professors expect every student to be able to evaluate each topic and be descriptive in their essay.
Additionally, another weakness that I had when coming into English 101 was that I was a selfish writer. Like Trimble said, “His natural tendency as a writer is to think primarily of himself- hence to write primarily for himself.” (Trimble, 4) I was a writer who only cared about impressing one type of audience my professor and not writing to prove a point or expand my knowledge to several other audiences. However, after writing several unsatisfying essays I had come to realize that my style of writing was too narrow and boring. In this realization of writing I discovered that what matters the most is pleasing your audience (many not one), and
Like transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly, my writing style transformed from something mediocre to something quite exceptional. In high school, even when I took advanced placement English and Literature courses, I was never good at writing. My writing would lack structure, reasoning, syntax, and a well-defined thesis statement. My inadequate grades on writing assignments lowered my self-esteem, so I assumed I would never enjoy writing papers because I believed I could never improve. However, since attending a university my writing style has improved far beyond my expectation. My EN 101 course enhanced my understanding of the different ways I could approach my writing. Also, it enhanced my comprehension of outlines to complete assignments. Investing quality time into my writing made a substantial difference because I became a stronger writer. Through the late nights, constant revisions, and agonizing head traumas, I learned that my writing is truly spectacular whenever I incorporate well-defined thesis statements, provide sufficient supporting evidence, and maintain a clear focus in my assignments.
Writing varies from a text message to a novel. Writers often have a difficult task in creating a piece of work that truly identifies the meaning of good writing. Every good writer usually starts with the basics such as genre, audience, rhetorical situation, and reflection of the piece. Throughout this semester, we have gone through all of these key terms in great detail with each new assignment that has come our way. In doing this, not only as students but also as writers, we have come to create our own theory of writing. Every writer has a different theory of writing though most are very similar. Now, at this point in the semester after doing countless journals, in-class exercises, and final assignments, I think I have figured out my own
This semester, in English comp II, I have learned a lot of things in class such as improving my vocabulary, the ten core concepts, writing an effective research paper, marketing effectively and writing in workplace. Out of the ten core concepts, my favorite three are; good writing fits the context, a writer must have something to say and good writing means more than good grammar. In good writing fits the context its means writes have to determine the expectations for each writing situation .They must consider their audience and make decisions about content, form, and style that they believe will most effectively meet the expectations of that audience. Good writing is writing that meets the needs of “the rhetorical situation” which often means meeting the specific criteria for an
As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write.
Since beginning to write papers in English class, I have had countless successes and failures. While many of my English classes have taught me how to improve my writing, I have not learned very much in others. My most recent English class was last year, my sophomore year. My class was particularly undersized; therefore, it gave each student the opportunity to have additional individual attention. Throughout the class I experienced high points, weaknesses, and even difficulties that I never overcame. Overall, my writing skills improved, but only marginally.