The main aim was to see if scapula-stabilising exercises could influence the velocity and accuracy of the tennis serve. This experiment focused on recreational tennis players due to limited research in this area of tennis.
Two different exercise groups were compared to see if velocity and accuracy of the tennis serve improved following a six-week exercise programme. Results of this study did not demonstrate a significant change in velocity and accuracy between pre-test and post-test data. However, the whole-body exercise group did show a significant improvement in velocity compared with the scapular stabilising exercise group. This highlights how the use of the LEX in the kinetic chain of the serve can influence the velocity more than solely
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The results from this study only reflect a very small number of the population, so it is difficult for this experiment to show any significant results. It would have reflected better on the results if the sample size had been meet, however it was not possible due to lack of time and number of eligible volunteers.
The SpeedTracX was tested and calibrated by the researcher during the pilot study; it had shown to be reliable in measuring velocity. However during the experiment it did not always show the speed during the testing. Therefore some participants ended up serving more than 10 serves, this error was not considered before starting the experiment. For further studies it would be recommended to consider this limitation.
Participants were asked to keep to their same training routine and not add new exercises while completing the experiment for six weeks. However, the researcher could not be with the participants while they completed the exercise every other day so the compliance of the participants is questionable. Also the number of sets and how often the exercises had to be completed may have been too high and so the participants could have become bored with the routine and therefore lost interest with the
Tennis serve is the shot that starts off the point. It is normally instigated by pitching the ball into the air and thumping it into the diagonally opposite service box exclusive of touching the net. This act is attained underhand or overhead. It is the only attempt where a player takes his time to position up, instead of reacting to an opponent’s shot. In doing this, high percentages of the efforts are normally exerted at the upper extremity of the body, while the rest at the lower extremity of the body. the serves comes in five main types of which includes; cannonball or flat serve, topspin-slice serve, slice serve, American twist serve and the topspin serve. The paper will focus on the some of the types of the serves and the ways in which the upper extremity are involved in the game. With this, it will look at the movements that occur at each of the upper extremity together with the muscles that are in use at the joints.
It is seen in throwing, pushing, tackling and many other aspects of the game. I will be explaining the choice of activities in my program and how it will improve my performance in Team Handball. The discriminator of performance level in many sports come down to your strength and power (M McGuigan, G Wright, S Fleck 2012). The more you have the better your performance. Push ups, arm curls, backwards curl and russian twist are all example of activities that can strengthen arms. A study conducted by Human Kinetics states, that strength training in elite handball players increased throwing velocity. These activities were chosen as arm strengthening because it has been proven to improve the sporting ability of profession athletes in Team Handball. The last two activities chosen for the strength program are calf raises and squats. These two drills are plyometric drills that build strength in the legs. Plyometric training will increase strength in the legs and in some cases improving ballistic strength (Newton, 2014). This plyometric training has been chosen as aspects of the game such as jumping require this power. Studies show that strength training can improve many aspects of the game for an athlete. They include; tackling, pushing, throwing and
The aim of this report is to analyse my overhand volleyball serve from a biomechanical perspective and compare it to an elite athlete’s overhand volleyball serve. Biomechanics is the sport science field that applies the laws of mechanics and physics to human performance, in order to gain a greater understanding of performance in athletic events through modelling, simulation and measurement. It is also necessary to have a good understanding of the application of physics to sport. In volleyball the applications of summation of forces, projectile motion and balance and stability have a major influence on the success and accuracy of an overhead serve.
| Based on explicit knowledge and this can be easy and fast to capture and analyse.Results can be generalised to larger populationsCan be repeated – therefore good test re-test reliability and validityStatistical analyses and interpretation are
The results shown are the average of 10 different experiments ± SEM. (*) Indicates significant difference regarding to control group p ≤ 0.05 by Student “t” test.
In review, the serve in tennis is very crucial, but it can also be broken down into simple and achievable steps. The wanted results may not happen every time, but with these guidelines and dedication, a player will be ready for the USTA Pro Circuit in no
These results might be explained by the improvement of proprioception made possible by the vibratory stimulus which induces a reflex muscle contraction perpetuated in time. It determines an increase in the activation and neuromuscular response as well as ability to produce strength and muscle power. Thanks to these results it is possible a recovery of the muscle parameters such as peak torque and power muscles. These results indicate a potential rehabilitation program for athletes who practice competitive sports with high demand to recover in the shortest time possible, while also returning to a high-level
The behavior of biomechanics works upon many different sports. The sport of tennis requires a lot of mix movement and equipment, and an understanding of those aspects of sport science of the games. The concepts of biomechanics and principals play a big role in the players’ development from sport science. Biomechanics is a key area in player development because all strokes have a fundamental mechanical understanding and sports. There are seven principles that can apply to the dynamics movements in tennis.
This paper will be analysing and critiquing a training program designed specifically for pre-season fitness for tennis. Tennis is a sport that requires May different fitness components but the four main abilities needed to be a successful tennis player include agility, flexibility, speed and muscle power. These four components are extremely important in tennis, agility is obviously important for a tennis player as they need to be able to move and change directions around the court quickly and efficiently, flexibility enables the player to slide and reach for the ball without straining or injuring muscles, speed is important to the tennis player as they will undoubtedly need to quickly chase down wide balls hit by the opponent,
The role of ballistic movements in any given fitness training protocol in sports is that they allow an individual's body to obtain and contain muscle contractions with high velocities, maximum force, high firing rates, and brief contraction times. Regulation of muscle contraction is important since the muscles involved exhibit the capacity to grow and gain strength. Ballistic movements incorporate the central nervous system (CNS) whose responsibility is to create energy to be used in the shortest time possible (McMaster,
This experiment sought out to evaluate the affect of physical activity on the strength of a subject, with the use of an electromyogram. It was hypothesized that involvement in physical activity such as squeezing a tennis ball will decrease grip strength
With performance analysts, sports scientists, and physiotherapists growing in demand, with the ever more focused objectives within the sporting world on achieving the best results possible, I am eager to study a subject that is continually flourishing in opportunities. With the margins between victory and defeat becoming ever more miniscule the necessity to find that two percent increase in speed or a set of practices to improve the task cohesion of a team is a demand placed on many managers and scientists. With an overwhelming amount of world records, this summer’s Olympics highlighted just how these scientists are continuing to push our athlete’s potentials further than ever thought possible. With the technology and understanding of the human anatomy advancing, it is an exciting time to be completing a degree in Sport Science and I look forward
Clearly, therefore, this field of study is relevant and may be of real benefit to sportspeople, or anyone with an interest in the subject of sports science and performance. This leads to
Tennis as a sport took its modern form during the mid-1800s and has since changed in its governing rules, styles of play and even the equipment used. The equipment used in tennis are mainly the tennis racquet and the tennis ball itself. The biggest changes can be observed in the development of new tennis racquets, where new technological advancements have allowed for better performing racquets that allow for better handling and power transfer from the player to the tennis ball. Many of the changes in the design of the racquet have been criticised as it was seen as an unfair advantage for the player with a ‘less technologically advanced’ racquet. Often the advancements in the design and manufacture of various materials have been applied to manufacture and create better tennis racquets, and in this respect I have decided to research into ‘What technological advances have been made to create the ultimate tennis racquet?’
To the future researchers. Those who take on a similar research, this study will persuade them to maintain and go on with more analysis on the same study.