
Teri Keever Coaching Style

Decent Essays

Teri McKeever is an Olympic and American college coach. McKeever compteted for USC in the 80’s while making All-American before tranisitioning into assistant coaching. She is known for being the head coach of her California team at Berkeley while winning three NCAA championships. She is also known for being the United States Olympic coach twice. While McKeever was talking to the Amerucan Swimming Caching Association back in 2008, McKeever gave us some ionsight into her philosophy. McKeever origionally went into teaching because she wanted to be a teacher. However, the more she got into college and becoming an assistant coach, she saw how much she wanted to coach. Her philosophy is that it is not all about the workout. It is also about having a good mindset, having success, knowing …show more content…

She of course has a lot more experience than me on that level. However, we do have the same passion and heart that goes into swimming, as I would hope any coach would in their individual sport. We are both very passionate, believe in the work hard aspect, have the same sort of high intensity drills, being one as a team, and trying to teach your athletes as much as you can. She seems way more calm than I would be as a coach and she tries to remind individuals that shes coaching to remember who they are, how many more years they have ahead of them, and to look at certain situations from all aspects. Number one, to be there for your athletes. Again, I was really surprised as to how calm she was as a coach and how nice she was. Some individuals let their egos get to them when they are at such a high coaching level. However, she has done many interviews and is always willing to answer questions about her career. I believed that I learned that it is never too late to find out what you want in life, as long as you put the time and effort into getting what you

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