There are two different ways the termination of government could play out. The first way includes a degraded quality of life for those that depend on federal assistance due to poverty. There would also be degradation of many public areas because of lack of upkeep that would have been overseen by Parks and Recreation Departments. Without government, lots of room for private corporations would be made to take advantage of consumers without any federal regulation. On top of these consequences, there would come a loss of voice that citizens had to change the country. Without representatives and government, there would be no policy-making and therefore no influence that people could have on the system in which their country is run. People
I believe the Confederation Government was doomed to fail. For instance, their “weak Constitution,” had several money problems. One weakness was the Government did not have the power to tax. The Government lacked in funds. This left the Articles no choice but to rely on
During the Revolutionary war, America was under a government called the Articles of Confederation. Fearing a tyrannical ruler, the Articles gave states more power than the National Government. However, it became apparent that the Articles were not functioning properly, as the economy and wealth of America plummeted. At one point, a mob of Massachusetts farmers rebelling into what would be called Shays rebellion. Our current government, the Constitution, was the solution to the chaos created by the Articles. The Constitution was a necessary change for the success of the United states, because it addressed taxes, law enforcement, and court systems.
What is government? It is a system which regulates a nation, city, state, or any specific group of people. It enforces law, provides services, and more or less bands a society together. It is the ultimate servant to the people along with big corporations who for the price of capital provide services and conveniences for the betterment of the people especially in the United States. Their work is communicated in the media in a positive manner. However the media only communicates to you what the government wants Americans to know and pushes out the real issues. Many Americans fail to see that the land of the free suffers from a lack of opportunity and upward
According to the famed historian Edmund S. Morgan “When the Articles of Confederation were drafted, Americans had had little experience of what a national government could do for them and bitter experience of what an arbitrary government could do to them. In creating a central government they were therefore more concerned with keeping it under control than with giving it the means to do its job” (Morgan, 1956). The people were scared, and therefore created a solution that was more concerned with holding powers in check, which left many holes, and a government with no power.
Congress could not enforce laws or assemble an army. Without an army the United States had no defense force. And without a judiciary branch, the government couldn’t enforce the laws that were made in Congress. The Legislative inefficiencies were such that each state had one vote in Congress regardless of its population. Therefore it was difficult to pass laws because states would block them, leading to an impractical amendment process. Amendments were difficult to pass because if five states voted against the passing of a bill it would be blocked. For all these reasons and more the Articles of Confederation were truly a failed form of government.
After the American Revolution reached its end with an American victory, ideas of a governmental structure arose. Congress felt that their independent nation required a stronger union and a powerful government in order to defeat Great Britain. The ideas were put together to form the Articles of Confederation which outlined the first governmental structure. The decisions made in the Articles of Confederation brought controversy among the states and Congress. The errors found in the Articles of Confederation needed to be amended and a new constitution sounded like the most effective option.
Following the affects of the weak Articles of Confederation set in place in 1777, a change in government was in order after the articles had proven their inability to control or tax the American people. The creation of The Constitution began a new era in American Government and set a new formation of laws and separation of power. The transition from the two very different systems of government was a turning point in American history and led to the type of Government we have to this day. After the Revolutionary War and America’s separation from England, it was now up to the American People to decide the kind of government they wanted. After winning the war, the last thing that they wanted, was to have another government that would abuse the
We cannot be sure of exactly how different it would be because we do not know what sort of deals states might make with one another. However, with no central government, the country would be more like the United Nations than like the United States today. If there were no central government whatsoever, the United States would be very weak. We would likely have no real military power to speak of. Every state would be responsible for its own defense. The economy would be much weaker. There would be trade barriers between states. This would make it more expensive, for example, for California to buy electricity from Washington State. This sort of thing would make everything more expensive and less widely available. I think we need a strong national government but as far as sovereignty and independence goes that is not a bad idea
After the American Revolution the newly formed “government” was far from organized. Yes, the people achieved independence from a unruly and unjust mother country, but at what cost? Not only did this young nation have very little sense of a true structured government, but it was broke with most people were unaware of the situation on in their own country. The first written piece of real structured government was the Articles of Confederation. Although this document was criticized for it failing in the end, it was actually a very important step in the right direction towards a fully function government. Another problem raised during this time was the separation between federalist and anti-federalist. The federalists favored of a strong central government while the opposing anti-federalists sought to split the power among the states more evenly. Additionally the federalists privileged some of the more conventional British policies that were in place before the war. The anti-federalists were in favor of power “for the people”. If I were alive during this time I would be in preference of the constitution and most likely would have associated myself with the federalists.
You don’t have the government being ran by the Church such as England was during Colonial America. In addition, the government would not be an oligarchy such as Russia as of the time. The national government should have the right to raise taxes, and to regulate trade for that would benefit those who are suffering. Have the power to build schools, and to make roads/railroads across the country. The government should have the power to invest in exploration and expanding the size of our country. Everyone should be taken as equal, and the three/fifth compact should be out of government. Freedom of press, religion, and the rights to bear arms should be uphold by the government. Not one person should have to fight for their rights again. Government shall not have the power to suppress the population in a free market of goods and trade. A government being controlled by the states, and the people is what it should be. Laws have to be voted by the people to make them a federal law. It would be a dictatorship if you have a government that could create laws without the people’s consent. Government ran by an executive leader who does not have as much power as the king or queen of England.
Throughout American history, many Americans assume that too much power is given to one party or the other. The Article of confederation was important in the United States because it affected the way over government functions today. Specifically, under the Article of confederation, the United States was intended to be formed on a basis of Federalism. Within this structure of Federalism, states have their own rights and majority of power with its people. The federal government on the other hand, was design to play a small role in the nation. In comparison to individual states, federal government had less power and responsibility under the ideas of the Article of confederation. In sum, then, the issue is whether the Article of confederation had proven to be unstable and inefficient. The limitations of the federal government has sparked the question of why did the framers want to scrap the Article of confederation.
Every day in America an average of 93 are killed people due to gun violence. One of the biggest concerns today in American policy is gun control. This is a very controversial and complicated topic for both pro-gun and anti-gun supporters. American policy makers need to make it harder for the wrong people to obtain firearms and the fact that Second Amendment and gun control can co-exist. Mental illness constantly emerges in relation to mass shootings and shooters a like, as well as day to day homicides and suicides. America doesn’t necessarily have more crime then other developed countries the crime is just much more lethal. Right-wing Republicans constantly use the Second Amendment as shield to use firearms, the fact is the document is
The role of government has developed throughout the years changing the way we view and act in society today. For example, the national government ensure that the citizens of the United States are all treated equally, applies law and order, and provides opportunities. The government has changed dramatically since we now have social media, newspapers, and the radio. However , not only has the government provided a strong impact in society in a positive way, but it has also impacted the society in negative ways. As a nation the public has found many imperfection in our government that they want to change. Public opinion has caused negative feedback through media and political participation . The government is trying to help the people by
What is government? Government is a person or group of people who control and make decisions for a country. It has a number of particular roles to help make a country survive and function successfully. I believe that without the roles a government provides a country would not function and would eventually fail. Therefore, I think government is necessary because without it there would not be any provided protection, resources, and regulations.
80-90% of all inmates are incarcerated due to drug related crime or robbery to help pay for their drugs that they owe money on. For these inmates dealing with drugs is something very normal in their lives. Drugs being involved in prisons is also something that is very similar to the world. Prison guards find an inmate trying to smuggle in drugs at least once a week. As seen on Orange is the New Black in many episodes in season 2 and 3 the inmates smuggled in tobacco for cigarettes and Nicky got in heroin. So if they are doing it in the TV shows you know it’s a common thing happening in the real world. What is happening with drugs in prisons now, how are the drugs getting in, how its being stopped, and how the inmates lives in and outside the prison walls are being effected with drugs are some of the most questioned topics dealing with this important topic. Drugs effect prison life by not only the inmates but the guards as well. The job changes everyday because somehow drugs keep getting in in all different ways.