
Termite-Hunting Ants Megaponera Analysis

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NPR published an article about the termite-hunting ants Megaponera analis on April 12th, and I decided to compare how well their piece summarized the original scientific journal’s findings. Through reading both articles I have come to the conclusion that NPR summary of the scientific journal is quite vague. The entirety of the NPR article had very little information about the scientific journals findings. In my opinion there were more deficits in this article rather than benefits that showed the true scope of the study. I understand that it is aimed at an audience much different that the scientific journal but I still believe it is far too simplistic. However, there were a few benefits that helped to capture the original research journals findings.
One of these benefits include their inclusion of the information about what type of ant Megaponera analis is and how these ants march out in the search of food. Another benefit could be how the article describes how these ants were carrying their own kind as well as termites. Lastly, this article includes the backstory as who why the …show more content…

Unlike the article the scientific journal talks about the value of the rescuing behavior, the real component of hormones, and the focus of the behavior. The article does mention the word hormone as being a possible factor in why they are “rescuing” their fellow species but doesn’t say anything else. Within this article, I also see a hint of anthropomorphism when they compare these ants to something a solider in a war would do. They also talk about the empathy that these ants may be having for those ants who have been hurt during the hunt. I would also really like to see the interview that they had with the main researcher because it appears they must have cut a lot of stuff out. These are just a few of the many problems that I had when comparing these two

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