
Terrorism And Its Effects On Terrorism

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Terrorism has continuously played a brutal role to frighten society across the world. There are many nations that have faced brutal issues and continuously try to find a solution but to no avail, terrorism still exists across the world. There are many questions that are still pending answers and many governments are finding some relief “with considerable assistance from anti-terrorism organizations (Fischer, 2002).”
Terrorism can strike not just large cities, but in any community of any size. While no amount of planning and mitigation can remove 100-percent of the risk from terrorism, hazard mitigation and preparedness can help reduce the risk. Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) categorizes terrorism in the U.S. as one of two types (Watson, 2002):
1. Domestic Terrorism; terrorist activities that focus on facilities or populations without foreign direction.
2. International Terrorism; terrorist activities that are foreign based and/or sponsored by organizations or groups outside the U.S.
Victims can be anyone who died or injured in terrorist activities, they can belong to any country, be of any religion, culture, state, class, color or diversified factor; though, little attention and analysis have focused on terrorism victims, including survivors. A report comprised of organized groups

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