
Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoint's Definition Of Terrorism

Decent Essays
Open Document says that over 32,000 people died in 2014 alone (Dailymail 1). Terrorism can be interpreted many different ways. From the terrorist’s standpoint, terrorism is a helpful tool used to promote their way of life and to keep their people in line. From a pacifist’s point of view, terrorism is a dangerous thing, but should be left alone unless it is targeted toward them. From an activist’s point of view, terrorism is too dangerous to be left alone and must stop before it spreads. No matter what point of view it is being seen at, terrorism is dangerous and has ended the lives of too many citizens and soldiers. Terrorism can be defined different ways by different people. “Terrorism is violence- or the threat of violence used to achieve a political goal” (Terrorism 1), that was Opposing Viewpoint’s definition of terrorism. Opposing Viewpoints says that [Terrorism] “differs …show more content…

Opposing Viewpoints tells ups that “terrorism has been used many times over the centuries by the Romans, Greeks, and Jews” (Terrorism 4). Terrorism is by no means a new concept and even if it does take a temporary halt, it will resurface eventually. Sharpe Reference says that “for the most part, the Islamic group has concentrated on striking at economic targets at home” (Sharpe 407). Many people believe that if terrorism is left alone, it will stay where it is, but if the terrorists gain control of one area, they won’t stop there. Opposing Viewpoints says that “hidden explosive devices and random lone-wolf-style attacks are not the only threats posed by modern terrorists” (The Editorial 7). While many people believe that terrorists just plant bombs and leave, many of the terrorists are here in America gaining more and more secrets by the

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